Voter Suppression is an integral tool to maintain division among various socioeconomic groups. Those negatively impacted in the 2012 election will be historically underrepresented groups, people categorized as lower-income, and college students.
Per the 2010 U.S. Census Bureau there are approximately 20,779,000 to 22,342,000 college students. In some areas, if students are attending state institutions, their college ID will be sufficient documentation to vote. Those attending private post-secondary institutions are not as fortunate.
It is incumbent on those college students to investigate the new rulings relative to their home state.
If you have elders, who do not possess state IDs, you should encourage them to begin the process of obtaining one.

Ruthelle Frank, via ACLU:
Ruthellen Frank, an 83 years old woman, from Brokaw, Wisconsin has voted since 1948. Born at home in 1927, she has no birth certificate and the legal fees to obtain one are cost prohibitive. This may be the first time that her political voice will be stifled.
The September 5 Interrace Forum will address the ramifications of the new voter’s registration rulings. Dr. Darren Davis, Associate Vice President for Research and Lilly Presidential Fellow, will lead the discussion. One component of Professor Davis’ research is the measurement of political and social attitudes.
Please join us for dinner, discussion and information to ensure your voice is heard in November. RSVP by calling 574-631-6841 or email: with Interrace in the subject line. Reservations are required by September 4.
Cosponsors – Center for Social Concerns Raise Your Voice Campaign