Flexible Work Environment Pilot Program Announcement

Many colleagues are experiencing more work/life dynamics than in the past due to advances in technology and increased demands on personal time. The line that has traditionally been drawn between work life and personal life has gradually blurred. It is vitally important for us as a department to acknowledge and respond to these changes in our workplace to both attract talent and enhance the culture for our most valuable asset: You. Changing technology, demographics, attitudes of the workforce, and new ways of managing employees play a significant role in the ultimate success and viability of flexible work arrangements. Flexible work arrangements enable employees and supervisors to work outside of the standard 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. work schedule and office location. Any change in regular hours of operation is solely a departmental and/or team decision.

The process for the pilot is as follows. We will focus on three types of flexible work arrangements: 1) Working Remotely. Should you be interested in working remotely, please initiate the conversation with your supervisor to establish the appropriate parameters relevant to your situation. 2) Flex Hours. Flex hours will be focused around the core hours of 9:00am – 3:30pm, of which everyone is expected to be in office. 3) Compressed Week. A compressed work schedule allows an employee to work a traditional 35-40 hour workweek in less than the traditional number of workdays. Many compressed work schedule options may be negotiated. A flexible working arrangement form (Development Dept Flexible Work Environment Agreement Form_2.12.2020) will be signed by both the employee and the manager, and forwarded to James Riley, Sr. Director of Internal Engagement. During the pilot, a three and six month evaluation must be completed by the manager and employee. We have developed an FAQ specifically designed to answer questions that may be on your mind, and will continue to add questions as we learn throughout this dynamic pilot.

On March 1, 2020 the Development Office will begin a Flexible Work Environment Pilot Program that will run through September 30. It is anticipated that there will be many questions about the pilot. As such, we have arranged our next ND Shares to address this topic and all of your questions/concerns on Monday, February 24 at 4pm in the ESC Family Room. Please plan to attend. There will be additional opportunities throughout the pilot to ask questions and learn from each other. We also encourage you to reach out to Heather Christophersen or James Riley directly with your inquiries. This is an exciting time for our office, as we take yet another step toward enhancing our culture.

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