“Discount” Football Lottery Codes

New for the 2022 football season, for those giving society members who begin to give on a scheduled basis via a recurring or perpetual credit card, we calculated whether they will hit their total amount over twelve months inside of a calendar year. If they do, we take no action, but if they won’t, we have added a “Discount Lottery” affiliation under the ND Affiliation object in CRM to their record so that they are able to enter the football lottery as if they had achieved that level of giving.

So, for example:

Someone signs up to give $125/mo to Sorin. This works out to be $1,500/year, or a Green-level football application and a Green-level Sorin membership. We recognize them immediately in terms of their Sorin membership and welcome them aboard. If they sign up in this fashion in January 2021, we take no action. However, let’s say they signed up in July 2021, which means they’ll only hit $750 in CY2021 and thus won’t realize any football lottery application status until they’ve been a member of Sorin for a year and a half (they’d have to wait to access the lottery until 2023!). Now, we can add a “Discount Lottery – Green” affiliation to their record for CY2021 and they will receive a 2022 football lottery application at the Green level in 2022. This affiliation appears thusly in CRM:

Or like this on the constituent’s Overview screen in Advance:

This process is NOT public and we do not intend to make this expansion known at this time. Instead, this is meant to be a delighter for our members and to bring their society and football experiences in-line with each other. We also hope that this will enable our fundraisers the opportunity to solicit larger unrestricted asks from donors in their portfolios while allowing the donor to break up those gifts into smaller monthly, quarterly, or other recurring frequency sizes that may fit their budgets more easily. (An example of membership levels in both one-time and monthly amounts is located here.) Finally, we hope that by implementing this model, there will be a reduction in D-Code exceptions to manage each year.

A few notes:

  • Only recurring and perpetual credit card gifts made to the giving societies were examined at this time.
  • If a donor’s combined giving elsewhere to the University exceeds what they would have qualified for as a society member, no discount code was added. (In the example given above, if that Sorin member also gave $10,000 to a scholarship, we would not have added the discount code to their record and instead allowed their overall giving to be calculated via the standard D-Code process.)
  • A donor can only receive this “discount” code on their record once. This is meant to simply catch up their football experiences with their society experiences for that first partially-fulfilled year.

If you have any questions about this process, please do not hesitate to reach out to Kristin Trosper at trosper.3@nd.edu. Thanks so much!

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