On April 25, 2020 ONE REPUBLIC will play the Purcell Pavilion as part of IDEA Week 2020.

There are a limited number of tickets reserved for our Notre Dame benefactors, in section 10, rows 3-5, which can be accessed only with a special registration code starting on Nov. 27, 2019.

For registration access for your benefactors, please contact Karen Deak (, AAD for the IDEA Center.

College of Engineering Campaign College Changed


Tom Fuja, interim Dean of the College of Engineering, was originally scheduled to present at the Campaign College on Friday, November 22nd, but unfortunately will now be out of town on business travel. Tom is sorry to miss this event but trusts that you will understand.

Not wanting to miss an opportunity to share a College of Engineering priority with our Development colleagues, we have arranged for two student teams to present on experiential learning. This is a campaign priority for Engineering, as Tom shared during his 2018 Campaign College presentation, and as was highlighted at the 2019 UR Summit.

The Robotic Football and Rocketry teams will each share what the their team does, why experiential learning is an important part of their Engineering education, and what the experience has meant to them, personally and professionally. Additionally, they will be bringing “show and tell” hardware, expected to be a Robotic Football quarterback and kicker, and Rocketry team rockets, controllers, and example payloads. After the teams present, we have time in the agenda for small group or 1:1 conversations so please come and meet some of our Engineering students. I fully expect that you will be impressed with them and their work.

Jeff Arnold

Harper Blood Drive-12/17/19

Calling all blood donors!

During the Holiday and winter months, the blood bank always struggles with donations amidst the hustle and bustle! Please help us combat that this year by donating blood at Harper Cancer Research Institute on Tuesday, Dec. 17th from 11:30am-2:00pm. Your donation will save the lives of patients at our local hospitals!

As a thank you, all donors will receive a $10 Hacienda gift card. In addition, for every successful unit collected, $5 will be donated back to Harper! Click HERE to sign up!

Reminder: Year-End Charitable Planning Webinar Today at 12:30 PM

Dear Colleagues,

Today at 12:30 pm EST, the Office of Gift Planning will be hosting a complimentary webinar, Year-End Charitable Planning, for Notre Dame benefactors. Alisa M. Shin, J.D., Senior Wealth Planner at Vanguard will be our special guest presenter and will discuss year-end charitable planning techniques including:

  • Gifting appreciated securities vs. cash
  • Bunching of charitable deductions using a DAF or private foundation
  • IRA Charitable Rollovers
  • Bequests of retirement assets
  • CRTs and Testamentary CRTs

You can access this event here through your computer audio. Please let Laura Walker know if you have benefactors that would still like to access the live event or you would like to receive a recording of this event.

A complete list of registrants is available here.

For more information about this webinar, please contact Laura Walker.

Welcome Abbey Johnson to NDAA!

We are thrilled to announce that Abbey Johnson has been hired as the new Clubs Program Manager.

Abbey earned her MNA from Notre Dame in 2018. Abbey’s experience with Say Yes to Education, Inc., a non-profit based in NYC as well as her role as a vice-president of the Notre Dame Club of New York City make her an ideal addition to the team in service of our domestic clubs and volunteer leaders.

Abbey’s duties on the Clubs Team will also include UND Celebrations, ND Day, and Club Review & myND3 implementation. A native of Woodstock, Illinois, Abbey is moving to South Bend from New York City. Her first day in the office will be November 18.

-Ellie Kuhns

ND Shares: Veterans Day Panel Thanks and Recording

Thank you to Jason Scarlett, Ken Heckel, Colleen Bailey-Knapke, Ian Montijo, and Pier. White for participating in the ND Shares Veterans Day panel.

Hearing about their military service/background blessed the many colleagues in attendance.

We appreciate both their service and their willingness to share.

Watch the 55-minute recording.


A Prayer for Veterans

Dear Lord,

Today we honor our veterans, worthy men and women who gave their best when they were called upon to serve and protect their country.

We pray that you will bless them for their unselfish service in the continual struggle to preserve our freedoms, our safety, and our country’s heritage, for all of us.Bless them abundantly for the hardships they faced, for the sacrifices they made for their many different contributions to America’s victories over tyranny and oppression.

We especially thank you and pray for Jason, Ken, Colleen, Ian, and Pier
We respect them, we thank them, we honor them, we are proud of them.

We pray that you will watch over them and their families. Please bless them with peace and happiness.