Position Announcements

I am excited and grateful to share the following position announcements and transitions effective April 20, 2020.

Julia Sama will transition from her current role as Sr. Campaign Program Director to Senior Director of Volunteer Engagement and Advisory Councils. In this role, Julia will lead the innovation of new volunteer engagement strategies and platforms for the top 2% of our benefactors and prospects, and manage the growth and impact of the University’s Advisory Council program.

Debra De St Jean will transition from her current role as Development Associate to Assistant Director of Advisory Council Operations and report directly to Julia Sama. In this role, Debra will: help organize the fall Advisory Council meetings across 18 councils; coordinate the annual Advisory Council strategic review process; publish the Advisory Council digital directory; and manage communications of important University news to council members.

Finally, Sharon Rankert will begin to report directly to me and assume additional responsibilities in support of my role as Associate Vice President

Please join me in thanking and congratulating Julia, Debra and Sharon for taking on these new roles and responsibilities in service to Notre Dame.

Best, Drew

Gift Planning Webinar

Dear Colleagues,

On Tuesday, May 12 at 12:30 pm EDT, the Office of Gift Planning will be hosting a complimentary webinar, Investing during Uncertain Times, for Notre Dame benefactors. Jeff DeHaan, Partner with Clearwater Capital Partners will be our special guest presenter. An email promoting this event will be sent this Sunday, April 19 to ~13K benefactors to the University. Reminder emails are currently scheduled for April 30th and May 5th and a recording will be made available. Registration is required for this event.

For more information about this webinar, please contact Laura Walker.

Originators of Student Jobs Application

Greetings from the Office of Student Employment!

In light of the recent communication from Tom Burish regarding summer programming, please follow the guidelines outlined below for summer Student Jobs processing:

Student Employee Hiring

The health and safety of the Notre Dame community remains the highest priority for the University. Therefore, at this time, student employment will continue in a remote capacity.

In regard to the hiring freeze, the overall objective is to limit the growth of labor costs at the University. So, in general, this applies to students as well. However, should a department have a need that could mutually benefit a student and the department, approval can be granted through exception by the President, Provost, or Executive Vice President.

Positions paid on grant funds may be filled as long as they are consistent with the terms and conditions of the grant and with the approval of the Dean or Vice President of the respective college or department.

When submitting your transaction via Student Jobs, in the comments section, please indicate whether or not the position is grant funded and who approved the position. Please note, if this information is not provided, your transaction may be voided.

Terminating Academic Year Jobs

As shared previously, today we will run the process to add an effective termination date of May 22, 2020 to 2019/2020 academic year hourly positions. After we run this process, you may no longer make changes to academic year positions.

Student Jobs Summer Processing

Student Jobs processing is still scheduled to begin April 20, 2020. Summer transactions may not be entered before this date. Please review the 2020/2021 Job Start and End Dates information in the Student Jobs Resources task via insideND.

We hope this information is helpful as you prepare to enter your summer transactions. If another individual within your department has been designated as the primary coordinator of the student employment hiring process, please forward this email as appropriate.

As we receive further guidance related to summer, we will be sure to follow up with you. In the meantime, please contact our office with any questions you may have.

Student Employment

CARES Act Employee Retention Reporting

Dear UltraTime Supervisors,

CARES ACT EMPLOYEE RETENTION REPORTING: How to Report Time to Qualify for Available Tax Credit for Full-Time and Regular Part-Time Staff

Please use the OEM – Other Emergency absence code to consistently track all Coronavirus-related paid hours for non-worked time. See attached worksheet.

During this last bi-weekly pay period, we created the OEM (Other Emergency) code to assist in tracking Coronavirus-related hours and wages. Initially, departments were given the option of using the OEM code; however, the recently passed Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act provides up to a $5,000 per employee tax credit for employers who continue to pay employees who aren’t working or working reduced hours due to COVID-19. The University will be able to claim a federal tax credit under the CARES Act for continuing to employ persons who have a less than full workload. We are now requesting each department to use the OEM code to track hours as required in order to allow the University to support its claims for these tax credits.

We have attached a worksheet providing guidance on when to accurately use the OEM code. In many cases this is clear, such as when an employee is unable to work and the job cannot be performed remotely. In this situation, the full daily hours should be recorded as OEM.

In other cases, it may be less clear, such as when an employee is willing but unable to work their full schedule due to a lack of work. In these instances, please work together with your employee to determine an appropriate breakdown of worked hours versus OEM hours depending on the unique circumstances. The OEM code can be used in increments to help simplify time entry. For example, an employee is working remotely with assigned work for 4 hours out of the 8 hour day; the employee can enter work time from 10am to 2pm along with OEM for 4 hours to total the full 8 hours of paid time. You may keep this process as simple and reasonable as possible.

When using the OEM code in UltraTime, you may run reports to track these hours. In addition, the dollar costs can also be tracked within your budget units as the job FOAPAL will also have the 11019 activity code automatically attached.

Thank you for all the great work. As always please reach out to us with any questions – ultratime@nd.edu.

OEM Time Entry_SUPV

Holy Cross Village Email Campaign

Dear Colleagues,

During this ongoing pandemic, senior citizens are one of the highest risk groups. Many seniors reside in communities that include independent living, assisted care, and nursing, and are now restricted to their rooms/residences and unable to socialize with friends, neighbors, and even families. Over the past two years, we have partnered with Holy Cross Village on several initiatives, and we are requesting your assistance during this time to help bring some Notre Dame cheer into the lives of the HCV residents.

In short, Holy Cross Village is asking if we would be willing to communicate with their residents through an email campaign. Please find attached a list of residents’ names. If you are so inclined, please take a few moments to reach out to a member of this community and send a note of encouragement, share an inspirational story, or lighten the mood with a funny anecdote.

All email messages should be addressed to your desired recipient, but emailed to me, ebeven@nd.edu. I will share these with Holy Cross who will then print and distribute them to the addressees. Since many of them use email, don’t be surprised if they reach back out to you. In the event they do, feel free to continue the email correspondence directly with them. I know many of you are looking for ways to make a difference during this difficult time, and this sector of the Notre Dame Community could really benefit from your positive energy and caring spirit.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Ed Beven

Commencement – Memorial Day Weekend Hotel Accommodations

As Father John recently announced, the University Commencement Ceremony on May 17, 2020 will be held online rather than in Notre Dame Stadium, and an on-campus celebration has been scheduled for the spring of 2021. We look forward to celebrating our 2020 graduates on campus in 2021. At this time we are able to offer a limited number of rooms at the Morris Inn for this special weekend. If you have hotel requests please fill out the Google Form and select Event Name “Commencement – Memorial Day Weekend”. We will review these requests and make decisions late fall or early next year. If you have any questions please contact Stephanie Mead at smead@nd.edu.

Updates from the Office of Student Employment

Greetings from the Office of Student Employment!

As the University finalizes the details with respect to summer, we have modified some of the Student Jobs processing dates in an effort to accommodate departments:

Terminating Academic Year Jobs

On April 15th, we will run the process to add an effective termination date of May 22, 2020 to 2019/2020 academic year hourly positions. After we run this process, you may no longer make changes to academic year positions. Please mark your calendar.

Student Jobs Summer Processing

Student Jobs processing for the summer will begin April 20, 2020. Summer transactions may not be entered before this date. Please review the 2020/2021 Job Start and End Dates information in the Student Jobs Resources task via insideND.

We hope this information is helpful as you prepare to enter your summer transactions. If another individual within your department has been designated as the primary coordinator of the student employment hiring process, please forward this email as appropriate.

Please note timelines and processes will be reviewed as further guidance is provided regarding summer.

If you have any questions, please contact our office.

Student Employment

Watercolor Wednesday Workshops

Join us on either Wednesday, April 22nd or April 29th at 4:00pm (EST) for a live virtual watercolor painting workshop! Noell Stohler’s daughter Haven, an artist currently studying at Columbia College Chicago, has graciously volunteered to lead two Bob Ross-esque painting workshops for ND Development. If you’d like to paint along with Haven, make sure you purchase or have the following supplies on hand:

-Short Handle Brush – Round, Size 12
-Short Handle Brush – Round, Size 1
-9″ X 12″ Watercolor Pad
-Watercolor Pan Set – Set of 14 Colors
-A pencil

The specific brands Haven will be using can be found here.

On April 22nd, we will be painting the following picture (takes approximately 1 hour):











And on April 29th we be painting the following picture (takes approximately 30 minutes):


To join in a workshop, simply sign up using Five to Nine and get the Zoom links. Sign up for both classes if you’re feeling inspired, and feel free to include your children or other housemates!

3 Week UR Fitness Challenge

Are you finding it hard to keep up with your fitness routine during this time of working from home? Do you miss lunchtime walks with your coworkers? And do you get fueled by a little office competition? If so, we want to invite you to participate in our UR Fitness Challenge! We will randomly partner you with another member of UR and as a team you will track the number of minutes you exercise between Monday, April 13th and Friday, May 1st. Those with the most minutes will be our UR Winners! If interested, please sign up here. If you have questions, please contact Amy Plotkin.

Electronic Tax Acknowledgement Letters

The Gift Management team started sending tax acknowledgement letters to donors via email on Monday, March 23rd. In compliance with the Internal Revenue Code, emails are being sent for gifts over $250. Donors can always request a hard copy letter, which will be executed when we return to the office. Additionally, letters will be mailed for gifts below $250 when we return to the office or a cumulative letter will be mailed at the end of the calendar year. If you have any questions, please contact Gift Management at 631-5150.