Microsoft Update This Weekend

Dear Friends,

This is the first Microsoft Update weekend since working remotely. Please save any work you may have open and log off the VPN or just simply reboot (not shut down) your computer at the end of the work day today. This will ensure updates to be applied smoothly. Thank you!

-Development Help Desk

Remote Connectivity

During this time, many of us are being introduced to new remote communication tools to stay connected with our colleagues and teams. While all the channels and messaging about them may seem a bit overwhelming, we’ve created a matrix to explain what to use and when. Within the chart are links to training videos, feature descriptions and of course, Zoom virtual backgrounds.

While working with your teams you can store, share, and access team resources from anywhere in the world. This G Suite training video explains how.

In addition, the Office of Information Technologies has provided documentation on using technology to help us work remotely and is offering the following classes this month.

OIT Lunch & Learn: Tools for Working from Home

  • Wednesday, April 8, noon to 1 PM
  • Wednesday, April 15, noon to 1 PM

You can register via or contact OIT Training at 631-7227 or

Registrants will receive Zoom login information the day before the session.

Remember…if you need assistance you may contact the OIT help desk at 631-8111 or at the ServiceNow portal.


Development April Birthdays

Happy Birthday to all our Development colleagues celebrating in the month of April! Though we won’t be able to celebrate with you in person, we hope you all have great birthdays and happy, healthy years ahead!

April 1 – Amy Plotkin
April 1 – Jessica Rizzo
April 1 – Steven Sollmann
April 1 – Tara Reilly
April 3 – Michael Connaughton
April 3 – Noell Stohler
April 6 – Austin Gammage
April 6 – Cindy Karpovs
April 6 – Conor Montijo
April 11 – Matthew Rombalski
April 12 – Joe Dietz
April 12 – Katy Orenchuk
April 15 – Amy Mason
April 18 – Dean Ernzen
April 18 – Jeff Faust
April 19 – Kristina Machalleck
April 19 – Rose Michalski
April 20 – Mark Helmke
April 22 – Darlean Vance
April 22 – Rachel Parks
April 23 – Kat Gardner
April 24 – Angie Dennig
April 27 – Katie Kerby
April 27 – Marie Labosky
April 27 – Ryan Brennan
April 27 – Sheila McMahon
April 28 – Mary Frank
April 30 – Andrew Fry

Travel Cancellations due to COVID-19

The University’s existing policy on payments/reimbursements for travel cancellations remains in effect, with one policy exception noted below due to the unusual circumstances of COVID-19.

Per existing policy, travelers who have purchased tickets or incurred expenses for travel events which are subsequently canceled are encouraged to rebook unused airfare and cancel lodging reservations and conference bookings, whenever possible. Credits from canceled flights booked through TravelND (Anthony Travel or the Concur Booking Tool) will be tracked by the University.

If an individual paid for a flight personally that was subsequently canceled due to COVID-19, reimbursement can be requested even though the flight was not taken. This policy departure is allowed for COVID-19 related cancellations with the understanding that the airline ticket will be reused for University purposes in the future. The employee and/or their department will be responsible for keeping track of the unused flight ticket and ensuring it is used at a later point in time for University purposes.

To request reimbursement for canceled travel, the traveler will file an expense report and document that the flight/conference/trip was canceled due to COVID-19 and therefore the ticket could not be used. Please fully document the issue and utilize the activity code 11019 “COVID-19 Related Costs”, which the University has established for tracking purposes.

Once the ticket credit is finally used, the employee will include the previous reimbursement when documenting the “full trip” on the future trip expense report. Any change fees associated with rebooked flights will be reimbursed, regardless of booking method.

Any remaining out of pocket expenses incurred for travel cancellations will be reimbursed at the discretion of the department. Please be sure to use activity code 11019 “COVID-19 Related Costs”, when applicable.

Note that refunds received by a traveler (in the form of credits issued or cash reimbursements) for other University prepaid travel items (e.g., conference fees), whether paid by the University directly to the vendor or via reimbursement to the employee, are to be repaid to the University when received by the traveler. If this step is not followed, the budget unit may incur double costs and the traveler receives double reimbursement.

Student Employment Communication

Greetings from the Office of Student Employment!

As we continue to work through next steps related to the University’s COVID-19 response, we want to take this opportunity to address our student workers. These students provide important services to our offices, and their compensation is often integral to how they pay for their Notre Dame education.

With that in mind, we are encouraging all departments to make remote work available, if possible, for current student workers. This will not be possible in all cases, but we ask for your creativity in trying to make this option available.

Our current policy for student workers is as follows:

Undergraduate Students:

  • No undergraduate students may work on campus.
  • No undergraduate students will be allowed on campus to perform research. Department chairs/PIs should make efforts to reformat the research to be done remotely, if possible.
  • Undergraduate students who were not employed prior to spring break are not eligible to begin new work (this is consistent with HR policies around the hiring freeze as well as the practical issue of processing I-9’s).
  • Undergraduate students can work remotely if a department has a need for the work and the student chooses to work.
  • The employing department will be responsible for paying the students’ wages, per usual practice.
  • Student workers are responsible for entering their hours in Ultratime and supervisors must verify the accuracy of the entered hours. If a student worker does not have online access to Ultratime, this access can be established by contacting Payroll Services at or 631-7575.
  • Non-Notre Dame undergraduate students are either temp or part-time employees and must follow guidance from HR.

Graduate Students:

  • Research Assistants should continue to work on their projects and continue to be paid. There are many activities that can continue if physical access to labs is not possible, including manuscript writing, data analysis, etc. Students should be in contact with their faculty/Principal Investigators for guidance.
  • Teaching assistants should be teaching via distance and should continue to be paid.
  • Graduate students on fellowship/stipend will continue to receive their stipend.
  • Graduate students with hourly jobs can work remotely if a department has the need for the work and the student chooses to work.

There will be situations where remote work is possible but the student decides not to continue working, we ask that you let the Student Employment office know of these “vacancies”. Because there may be situations when a student wants to work and needs the resources to support themselves, but cannot because the job they previously performed cannot be performed remotely. In these situations we’ll encourage them to find another “vacant” student job.

If the student finds themselves in the situation where:

    1. their existing student job is unable to be completed remotely, and
    2. they cannot find another “vacant” student job,

then the student can reach out to the Office of Student Employment at to see if they might qualify for wage replacement. Consideration for wage replacement will be given to students who have a demonstrated pattern of work and who demonstrate a certain level of financial need.

The above policies were developed jointly with representatives from the Enrollment Division, Student Affairs, Finance Division, Human Resources, Graduate School, ND Research and General Counsel. This policy will be noted on the site and will be communicated to Undergraduate and Graduate students via a newsletter from the Division of Student Affairs.

For questions regarding these policies, please reach out to one of the following individuals:

Yolanda Teamor, Senior Assistant Director of Financial Aid or 631-5119

Jason Little, Associate Controller or 631-3579

We hope this information allows you to move forward with your decisions on student employment. Please note this email will also be sent to Business Managers and Student Worker Supervisors; however, please forward as appropriate.

Student Employment

Best Wishes to Andrew Whittington

Dear colleagues,

It is with mixed emotions I share that Andrew Whittington will be leaving the Annual Giving team to take a new role within the University as a Program Director with the Center for University Advising – an initiative here at ND dedicated to accompanying and forming our students as they grow into fuller versions of themselves.

During Andrew’s time in Development, he has been an incredible partner and leader in growing the ND Loyal volunteer program. We will certainly miss Andrew, but know he will bring his professionalism, integrity, and commitment to excellence to this new role and continue to serve and better the University.

Andrew’s last day is this Friday – please join me in congratulating Andrew!

-Ellen Roof

Utilize 5-9 Digital Communities

During these times of remote work and social distancing, it can be hard to maintain a sense of community and connection to one another. We want to remind you that the 5-9 platform is a great tool for virtually engaging with one another. Whether you want to organize a digital event, such as an informational webinar or a video-chat coffee, or want to post and discuss articles you’ve found helpful, such as tips for working from home or keeping young kids occupied, 5-9 is a great resource to explore and share. For example, feel free to add your dog/pet pictures to this thread! If you need help setting up your account or have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Grace Prosniewski.