Information Technology and Services (Business Continuity Plan)

Business as Usual. All support will be available via phone, email, or zoom meetings.

Reporting/Business Applications
For any issues or data needs related to reporting, crmND, Advance Web or other business applications, submit a ticket through the Data Request Form in ServiceNow  and a member of the IT team will respond to your request.  A link to the form is located on the UR website also.

Technical Support
For technical support, you can submit a help desk ticket or request through ServiceNow, or contact the OIT Help Desk at 574-631-8111, the Development Help Desk at 574-631-2678, or you can email

Instructions on how to access your Zoom account, forward your office number to your mobile phone, and enable voicemail forwarding to email can be accessed here.

Escalation Contact Information:
Carleen Quinlan  574-274-7493
Patty Kokesh       219-477-9556

Storytelling and Engagement (Business Continuity Plan)


  • David Chaudoir 269-313-7660
  • Lin Wang 574-339-1272

Regional Fundraising

Proposals in the Pipeline

  • We will contact each fundraiser with a proposal in the queue to seek instruction for how to proceed if they want a print copy to mail or a digital copy to email.
  • Lin and David will be accessible via cell phone and email. We can also arrange Zoom meetings.

New Proposals

  • Lin and David will be accessible via cell phone and email. We can also arrange Zoom meetings.
  • Business as usual in terms of process. The only difference will be working from home instead of the office.
  • We have a recent precedent for designing email and digital-friendly proposals.


  • Communication with Lin and David via cell phone, email and Zoom.
  • While we will not be able to shoot new footage, we do have the ability to make videos similar to the MacArthur Foundation videos.
  • We can use stock footage, photographs, and supplied videos.
  • We can write original scripts and commission voiceovers or record voiceovers ourselves.
  • Kathy Wadolowski will be dedicated to the voiceover. We will supply her with the microphone and training to record from home.


Express Press plans to operate business as usual. FedEx can still print at multiple locations as of now. Those who request printed copies will need to pick them up at either Express Press or the FedEx location they have designated. Lin Wang is the Storytelling point-person for printing.

Cancellation of True To Her Name Stewardship Event

Good afternoon,

In light of the University’s recent decisions and guidance surrounding the evolving coronavirus situation, the spring True to Her Name stewardship event has been canceled. Registered benefactors will soon receive the following communication from Katherine Lane, and all will be eligible to attend next year’s event on Saturday, April 17, 2021 as indicated.

Please let me know if you or your benefactors have any questions or concerns as a result of this decision, and thank you as always for your partnership.

Mary Fisher


We have decided to cancel the True to Her Name stewardship event on April 18th. In light of Fr. John’s message yesterday on the decision to suspend in-person classes at least until April 13, as well as the suggestion to cancel unnecessary travel and events, we have decided that this is the best approach for everyone’s safety and wellbeing.

For those of you who have made hotel requests through our Special Events Office, know that we will cancel your accommodations at the Morris Inn. You will not be held responsible. If for some reason you still plan to come to campus, please let me know and we will be able to work with you to adjust your reservations.

I am happy to share that next year’s True to Her Name event will be held April 17, 2021. Please let this message serve as a save-the-date and know that we very much hope you’ll join us then.

Thanks for your understanding, and for everything you do for Notre Dame.

God bless,
Katherine Lane

Update Regarding Students on Study Abroad Programs

Hello again. Please see this link for a message that went out earlier today to all Study Abroad students. A message with similar information was also sent to parents of Study Abroad students.

If you have any questions or if I can be helpful in any way related to your engagement with donors who have questions about Study Abroad, please call me at x7712 or contact me by email.

Thank you.

-Michael Loungo

Kim Borza Named Director, Notre Dame Giving Societies


I am pleased to share with you that Kim Borza has been promoted to Director, Notre Dame Giving Societies within the Annual Giving team. In this role, Kim will oversee the Giving Society team and direct the overall cultivation, solicitation, and stewardship strategy for the Sorin Society, Rockne Athletics Fund, O’Hara Society, Order of St. Thomas More, and Badin Guild, with a particular focus on the member and revenue growth from these societies. At this time, Kim will also maintain direct responsibility for and ownership of Athletics Director’s Circle and Jesse Harper Council.

Since joining the team in December 2017 as Associate Director of Athletics Annual Giving, Kim has distinguished herself has a mission-driven, team-oriented, and goals-focused colleague. The tremendous growth of the Rockne Athletics Fund in the past three years is a direct testament to Kim’s leadership and her collaboration with colleagues in Development and Athletics. I am excited to see her take on this important role and broaden her leadership for the critical unrestricted revenue growth for the University in the years to come.

Please join me in congratulating Kim!

Brian Diss

Taste of Technology Postponed


Due to the intense planning effort that OIT is involved in to keep campus operations running smoothly should the coronavirus arrive here, OIT has been asked to postpone the Taste of Technology conference that was scheduled to run this Wednesday and Thursday. Please know that this decision was made to ensure that OIT resources are available when and where they are most needed to protect the well-being of the entire Notre Dame community. We will make an announcement as soon as we receive word of the rescheduled dates.

Dean Ernzen to Transition to Expanded Role


I am thrilled to announce that effective as of March 1st, Dean Ernzen is transitioning to an expanded role as Enterprise CRM Program Manager, reporting directly to me.

In this role, Dean will continue to lead efforts to grow and advance the CRM for University Relations and the entire University enterprise. He will also lead various data enhancement partnership initiatives for our division, including Notre Dame’s newly formed partnership with Fanatics.

Please join me in congratulating Dean as he transitions to this new and expanded role!

-Heather Christophersen