Welcome Margot Ann Witous!

A fighting Irish is born! Margot Ann Witous was born November 12th, at 4lb15oz and 15.5 inches long. She had been giving her parents a scare since July, when medical observations started telling them that there was a 92% chance she was not going to survive long after birth. She has since proven to be a part of the 8%, currently residing in the NICU until she’s strong enough to head home.

Jess and Mike want to thank everyone who has expressed concern, prayers and relief throughout this time. Big brother Michael is proud and ready to welcome her to the family, as are we.

Share Your FavURite Thanksgiving Recipes!

UR Team,

As we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving next week, we know that this holiday season will be different for all of us. Many of us will be unable to gather with extended family in the way we are accustomed to, and many of our holiday gatherings and traditions are on-hold this year. But we know that even in this challenging time, there is so much to be thankful for, including our wonderful UR colleagues!

In this spirit, we invite you to share your favorite Thanksgiving recipes with the wider team. Appetizers, side dishes, entrees, and desserts, we want to hear them all!

FavURite Thanksgiving Recipes

And if you end up cooking one of these yummy dishes, snap a picture and send it to one of the IE Committee to share!

Wishing you and your family a safe, joyful Thanksgiving and holiday season.

-IE Committee

Updated IRA Charitable Rollover Brochure

Dear Colleagues,

A fully revised IRA Charitable Rollover brochure, incorporating recent changes from both the SECURE and CARES Acts, is now available here and may be useful in your year-end conversations with your benefactors.

This information will be promoted in an email that will send on Sunday, November 15 to ~23K entities that are 70 1/2 years of age or older or graduated in the class of 1972.

Please contact Laura Walker with any questions regarding this material.

Welcome Oakley Bernard Gammage!

I am thrilled to share with you that Austin Gammage and his wife, Katrina, welcomed their son Oakley Bernard Gammage into the world on Monday, November 9th! Oakley weighed in at 8lbs 10 oz, 21.5 inches! Oakley, mom, dad, and his big sister Kyra are doing well!

Please join me in congratulating the Gammage family on their newest addition!

-Ashley Gerard

Pay Dates Remain the Same with Extended University Holidays

Last month, the University announced six additional paid holiday days for the upcoming holiday season. Two of those six holidays are scheduled pay dates. Please know that the scheduled pay dates will not change as a result of these six additional holidays.  Specifically, the following two holidays recently added will remain pay dates as originally scheduled:


  •  Wednesday, Nov 25 – Hourly payroll pay date (for the pay period Nov 7 to Nov 20)
  •  Wednesday, Dec 23 – Salaried payroll, Faculty payroll, and Hourly payroll pay date (for the pay period Dec 5 to Dec 18)


For more details on the year end pay dates and for changes to Personnel Actions and/or time reporting deadlines, visit the Payroll website. Further information will be announced as we approach the holidays, including communications for Ultra Time Supervisors on time reporting over the extended holiday period.

Farewell to Lindahl Chase


It is with excitement, pride, sadness, and gratitude that I share that Lindahl Chase will be transitioning from her role at Notre Dame to become the Director of Development for the Boys and Girls Club of St. Joseph County. The Boys and Girls Club has long been a personal passion for Lindahl, and I know the Club as well as so many young children in this community will benefit greatly from having Lindahl as a part of that team.

Lindahl joined the Annual Giving team in 2013, with increasing roles and responsibilities over the past 7 years. She is the consummate team player and will be missed by the entire Annual Giving team as a colleague, but cherished for many years to come as a friend.

Lindahl’s last day will be Thursday, November 12. Please join me in congratulating Lindahl in her new role, and thanking her for all of her contributions to Notre Dame and our students.

With Lindahl’s departure, please contact me or any member of the Annual Giving team if you have questions on outstanding projects you were working on with Lindahl.


UR November Birthdays

Happy Birthday to all our colleagues celebrating their special days in November! We’re so thankful you’re on our team!

11/2 – Ling Sun
11/4 – Tom Molnar
11/7 – Mike Sullivan
11/8 – Michelle Joyce
11/10 – Ernestine Gardner
11/12 – RaeLee Rea
11/13 – Sean Sharpe
11/14 – Shannon Forry
11/17 – Sara Liebscher
11/19 – Adam Ball
11/23 – Debra de St. Jean
11/23 – Jennifer Odell
11/29 – Casey Gelchion
11/30 – Angel Hess

Academic Advancement Director: College of Arts & Letters Position

We are pleased to post for applications the position of AAD for the College of Arts and Letters.

See posting here: Academic Advancement Director: College of Arts & Letters

We are grateful for your referral of this posting and the position description to candidates you believe are capable of fulfilling these expectations.

As the primary engine of fundraising for the College of Arts and Letters, the individual we hire for this role will be expected to:

  • Proactively drive proposals to donors, from inception to conclusion;
  • Build and actively manage a proposal pipeline in collaboration with fundraisers; and
  • Meet or exceed annual collaborative production goals as developed with the Senior Director.

As a longstanding, core role on the Academic Advancement team, this individual will drive philanthropy to advance the ambitions of the College of Arts and Letters and its dean, Sarah Mustillo.

Any inquiries, please contact me directly at x7712, or by email at mloungo@nd.edu

Thank you for your consideration,

Michael Loungo

Best Wishes to Maria Di Pasquale

Hello again and good morning.

Our colleague Maria Di Pasquale has accepted the position of Associate Director of the Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study. She will begin her transition into this new role in November.

Maria graduated cum laude from Notre Dame with degrees in art history and English and earned an M.A. in art history from Williams College and a Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin. Her dissertation examined the work of Catholic painters who were members of the avant garde in late 19th-century France.

Following a career in higher education and the private sector, Maria returned to her undergraduate alma mater in 2011 as the inaugural academic advancement director for the College of Arts and Letters. Perhaps inspired by the painters she explored in her dissertation, Maria came to define the academic advancement profession with aplomb and consistently pushed boundaries with new and experimental ideas.

Maria’s contributions are broad and deep, and because of her work, our strength as a university has increased. In serving simultaneously the College of Arts and Letters and Development, she best served Notre Dame. Thanks to Maria, we have an academic advancement profession that helps fuel the growth of our University and challenges its practitioners to personal distinction.

We’ll remember Maria for many things. At this time, we congratulate her for taking on this new challenge, and give thanks that she remains here at Notre Dame.

-Michael Loungo