Fall Interns – Accepting Project Proposals and Student Referrals


We are grateful for the 101+ colleagues who directly engaged with summer interns through June and July. Special thanks to UR Leadership, those who served as supervisors/mentors, and all Zoom presenters. This generous investment yielded a transformative experience.

Due to summer impact, with the directive and support of Lou and UR Leadership, we are pleased to expand (extend existing & create new) centrally-funded internships for the coming academic year.

Click here to submit a project proposal for a Fall Intern

This semester we are seeking talent from all academic levels for students who will bring to our teams diverse perspectives, dedication to their work, and a mission driven spirit.

Let us know if you have any questions on submitting a project proposal or have student referrals, 

Bryan Reaume and Mary Flynt

UR August Birthdays

Happy birthday to all our UR colleagues born in the month of August! We wish you a year filled with fun and good health.

8/4 – Jim Small
8/6 – Maribeth Spittler
8/10 – Tara Gilchrist
8/11 – Janet Jessup
8/12 – Kathryn Edel
8/12 – Melissa Medina
8/13 – Sean Carroll
8/14 – Lauren Dolzan
8/16 – Brian Benedict
8/17 – Jennifer Pratt
8/18 – Tim Kelly
8/19 – Brent Henningfeld
8/19 – Julia Sama
8/23 – Amanda Retartha
8/23 – Shaheen Goldrick
8/27 – George West
8/30 – Abbey Johnson
8/30 – Michelle Varda

Cute Adoptable Kittens






Hello UR fam,

A friend and former Development colleague of mine, Anna Bradley, has been fostering two stray kittens for the past couple of weeks and wants to find them a good home. They are 10 weeks old. These cute little fellas are both sweet and in good health. If you are interested in adopting one or both of them, please reach out to me directly and I will put you in touch.

Best, Shelby
(626) 808-7921

Volunteers Needed – Opportunity to Assist with Student Move-In


Student Affairs is inviting our teams to lend a helping hand with undergraduate Move-In (Aug. 1-9). They are offering us the opportunity to be the first face greeting our students and families. The particular need is for 60-90 minute shifts in our staging area parking lots, where students and their families arrive before being released to their residence halls.

If you are willing to share your time, please share with your team and fill out this brief google form. For any additional questions, please contact Leah Kicinski, Assistant Director for Off-Campus and Transitions, who coordinates the University’s Move-In efforts, at lkicinsk@nd.edu.

Thank you!
Heather Christophersen

Return to Campus Orientation Program

Dear Staff Colleagues,

We write to you today regarding an important new initiative as we prepare to welcome our students–as well as many of you–back to campus. As we’ve emphasized in the messages we’ve sent over the past months, our ability to reopen successfully depends on each of us doing our part, for the sake of our own health and well-being and that of everyone around us.

To ensure that each member of this community understands the steps we need to take, we are launching the Return to Campus Orientation Program, an online training module. Designed to familiarize students, faculty and staff with the University’s COVID-19 protocols, the program was developed through a collaboration between Human Resources, the Provost’s Office, Student Affairs, the Office of Information Technologies, and the Hesburgh Libraries, with input from faculty, staff and students.

The module takes less than 10 minutes to complete and is designed to ensure that each of us is fully aware of University policies on, among other things, face masks, hand hygiene, and physical distancing. It also underscores the importance of the new daily health check which will launch next week. You’ll receive a separate email about this.

Completion of this on-line orientation program is required for all faculty, staff and students. Please complete the training by July 31. At the end of the module, each of us is asked to affirm our commitment to following the protocols the University has established.

You can access the program via the link below.

This orientation program is only one of the many ways we are underscoring the importance of these essential health and safety protocols. Because our individual choices are so critical to a safe reopening of campus and to our ability to remain open for the Fall Semester, these messages will be reinforced often over the coming weeks and months.

Let’s work together to keep each other safe. Please know of our profound gratitude for all that you are doing as we prepare to reopen campus and for your dedication to our shared mission. We ask for God’s continued blessing on you and your loved ones.

Return to Campus Orientation Program

In Notre Dame,

Rev. John I. Jenkins, C.S.C.

Marie Lynn Miranda

Shannon Cullinan
Executive Vice President

Student Employment Originators Communication

Good afternoon,

Thank you for your patience as the University developed appropriate policies and procedures related to student employment for the 2020-21 academic year.

Notre Dame undergraduate and graduate students will be allowed to work on campus if the hiring department has a need and the funding in its budget to support this work. Department originators should speak with their business managers for additional guidance on funding availability before entering a job in the Student Jobs Hiring Tool.

Departments with student employment funding, that have established student employment positions that may not be offered due to COVID-19 restrictions (e.g., tour guides), may create replacement positions to support other needed work if applicable.

Hiring managers are strongly encouraged to post open jobs through the Office of Student Employment via the Student JOBboard Posting Submission Form. However, departments may rehire their past student employees without posting these positions.

Due to health and safety concerns, Federal Work-Study community service and Notre Dame Community Employment (Off-Campus) jobs will not be posted on the JOBboard for the fall semester 2020. This includes positions previously posted by Notre Dame faculty, staff and graduate students (e.g., babysitting, nanny positions, and yard work).

Based on University guidance, the majority of students will not return to campus prior to August 1, 2020. The first official day for on-campus student employment for the academic year will be August 6, 2020. All student employees will be required to meet all University and departmental health protocols regarding COVID-19, including the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and physical distancing. The Student Jobs Hiring Tool will open on July 15th so departments will have time to enter this information prior to the August timeframe.

We hope this information is helpful as you prepare to enter your academic year student jobs. Please refer to our FAQs on the Student Employment website for more information.

If you have any questions that have not been addressed in this communication, please contact the Office of Student Employment at stdempl@nd.edu.


Student Employment

NetID Account Issues

Many NetID accounts were disabled last night and the affected users can not login to email or anything else requiring authentication. OIT is currently working with the vendor to resolve the issue. If users need immediate access, the OIT helpdesk (631-8111) can manually reactivate them with a password reset.

Run Eduroam Setup Utility Now to Maintain WiFi Connectivity on Campus

The eduroam certificate will expire at the end of this year. To reduce impact during the academic year, the OIT will update this certificate on Mon. July 13 at 5:30 p.m.

To ensure you can connect to the campus WiFi network, run the eduroam setup utility on all your wireless devices as soon as possible. This will configure your devices for the new certificate. You can do this from any location.

Many IT services are not accessible when connected to ND-Guest, including Banner, Remote Apps, CorpFS, GLez, PeopleEZ, Business Objects, and others. Details on how to run the eduroam setup utility are available in this knowledge article.

***Please note: After running the utility you will get a message saying configuration succeeded. Configured Network is however not in range. Click “continue” then click “done”. Do not click “retry”