
Vendor Training

Requirements FundamentalsIn Requirements Fundamentals you will learn about 4 roles that contribute to good requirements, 5 stages of the requirements management process, 3 levels in the requirements hierarchy, 4 types of software requirements, and 12 activities that make up the Requirements Quest Approach.$69.99
Four Core Models for Scoping In Four Core Models for Scoping Requirements you will learn how to confidently illustrate relationships between entities, depict primary and secondary actors, model the inputs and outputs of a system boundary, and map the flow of activities in a process. You’ll also get tips for facilitating workshops.$54.99
Stakeholder ProfilingIn Stakeholder Profiling you will learn how to identify the right resources for your next project. This powerful technique will help you plan your requirements activities, and better estimate when and how much stakeholder involvement is needed.$19.99
Non-Functional RequirementsIn Nonfunctional Requirements you will learn about a user-focused approach to classifying 19 common nonfunctional requirement categories, review an anatomy of a nonfunctional requirement category, and discover 6 activities that will help you reduce the risk of missing these vital requirements.$69.99

Udemy Training