
  • Before you can begin to document system requirements, you must first understand the current process and future (desired) process.
  • Diagramming is an excellent tool to quickly document business processes and obtain feedback and agreement from the stakeholders.
  • It allows you to solidify ideas and streamline processes by visually communicating the steps needed to execute an idea.

1. What is a Diagram?

  • A diagram is a visual representation of a workflow and outlines the individual steps within a process.
  • Diagramming uses standard symbols to represent activities and arrows to depict the sequential flow between them

2. Why Use a Diagrams?

  • Visual representations are important because they allow for a more accessible and impactful way to communicate complex information, making it easier for people to understand and retain concepts by providing a visual reference point, particularly when dealing with data, processes, or abstract ideas that might be difficult to grasp solely through text; essentially, “a picture is worth a thousand words.”.
  • Because diagrams use visual cues and symbols, they make it simpler to communicate a process to a broad audience. This can lead to increased engagement, as long-form documentation can be more tedious for users to interact with and understand.
  • Here are some ways that diagramming can be useful:
    • Helps business users understand how their processes work, and how to improve them
    • Helps business users identify where bottlenecks, gaps, and other issues occur, where time is wasted, and where changes can be made.
    • Enables faster decision making due to faster communication.
    • Helps train new business users through a user-friendly, visual format.

3. Types of Diagrams

  • There are various types of diagrams, which you might know by different names, such as:
    • Flowchart
    • Flow diagram
    • Detailed process map
    • Deployment map
    • High-level process map
    • Process flowchart
    • Process map
    • Process model
    • Swimlane diagram
    • Value-added chain diagram
    • Value-stream map
    • Workflow diagram
  • Certain types of diagrams may be better suited for particular projects. Here are some of the most common types of diagrams used in business analysis.
  1. Flowchart
    • The simplest form of a diagramming is a basic flowchart. The basic flowchart uses process mapping symbols to illustrate the inputs and outputs of a process and the steps included in completing the process.
    • Basic flowcharts can be used to plan new projects, improve communication between team members, model and document processes, solve problems in a current process, and analyze and manage workflows.
    • Best for: Showing how a process is done from start to finish, typically in sequential order.
  2. High-Level Process Map
    • A high-level process map, also known as a top-down map or value chain map, provides a high-level overview of a process. Steps are limited to the essentials of the process and the map includes minimal detail.
    • High-level process maps can be used to define business processes and identify the key steps involved. These process maps are also useful for discussing processes with superiors or third parties who don’t need to know the specifics of the operation.
    • Best for: Communicating the essential steps of a process.
  3. Detailed Process Map
    • In contrast with the high-level process map, a detailed process map provides all the details of each step and includes subprocesses. It documents decision points and the inputs and outputs of each step. This process map provides the most thorough understanding of the mapped process and is most effective in pinpointing areas of inefficiency due to its high level of detail.
    • Best for: Providing a comprehensive understanding of a process, including all details and contingencies.
  4. Swimlane Diagram
    • A swimlane map, also known as a cross-functional or deployment flowchart, delegates process activities into “swimlanes” to designate who is responsible for each task. The map is divided into channels for each stakeholder in the process and lists each activity in the channel of the appropriate stakeholder. This type of process map highlights the different roles involved in the process and the interaction between stakeholders.
    • Swimlane maps are ideal for training employees on their roles in a process and increasing accountability. They are also useful for identifying inefficiencies in the process such as delays, redundancies, and potential process failure.
    • Best for: Clarifying the roles of multiple stakeholders in a process.

4. Common Diagramming Symbols

  • Diagramming uses symbols from the Unified Modeling Language (UML) to represent key elements on a diagram, such as steps, decision points, inputs and outputs, and participating team members.
  • Here are the most common symbols and their usage:
Terminator: Ovals denote the beginning and end of the process.
Process step: A rectangle represents an activity or task in the process.
Flow: Arrows connect steps in the process and show directional flow.
Decision: A diamond illustrates a point where a decision needs to be made, usually with “yes” or “no” options branching from this point.
Delay: A D-shaped symbol (rectangle with one end rounded) is often used as a delay symbol, showing a pause in the process before the flow continues.
Document: A rectangle with a wavy bottom line represents a document or information that people can read. Multiple documents are indicated by a symbol resembling multiple stacked wavy rectangles.
Database: A cylinder signifies stored data on a storage device like a hard drive where information can be searched and filtered.
Automated Process or Subprocess: A rectangle with two lines on the left and right side represents an automated process or subroutine.
Off-Page Connector: A "home plate" symbol, which looks like a pentagon, indicates that the flow continues on another page of the flowchart; essentially marking a point where the process jumps to a different section.

To help you get a better idea of what a process map might look like, here is an example:

5. How to Create a Process Map

  • You can customize process maps to match your needs and preferences, but there are also general tips to keep in mind when process mapping to maximize effectiveness. Here are a few process mapping best practices to apply as you get started:
    1. Plan your process map:
      • Establish the boundaries of the process so that only necessary information is included.
      • Set clear objectives for the process.
      • Discuss the process with stakeholders. You could also watch the workers who perform the tasks demonstrate the process.
        • Get the right people involved: Gather those who have deep knowledge of the process that you’re looking to optimize. These subject matter experts (SMEs) will help you determine the critical information within the entire process, such as roles, sequence of steps, timelines and resources. They can also highlight some of the problem areas, such as bottlenecks and redundancies, which might compromise efficiency. During this stage of the process, you want to document all relevant information around the process.
    2. Draft your process map:
      • You might want to start by mapping the process in its current state, not necessarily a perfect or idealized state, and make improvements from there.
      • Create the visual representation of the process using common flowchart symbols and standardized notation so everyone is on the same page
        • Depict where the process starts and ends and the sequence of steps in between. While the level of detail can vary, information around inputs, outputs, metrics and stakeholders are typically included.
      • Keep the process map simple. Include all necessary details, no more and no less.
        • Consider creating a Notes section on the process map to contain additional information (e.g., data element lists, etc) and using reference notation within the steps
      • If a process map becomes too large, it may be overwhelming and hard to follow. Consider breaking out sub processes into separate process maps and use Off-Page Connectors to keep the process map manageable.
    3. Get feedback on your process map:
      • Review the process map with everyone involved in the process to get feedback and validation of accuracy.
      • When stakeholders have agreed on the process steps within the current state, start to solicit feedback around potential process optimizations. This can involve the elimination of steps for simplification purposes or the incorporation of new ones.