Research Tools: For Researchers, Teachers, and Parents

TOOLS for Researchers, Educators and Parents

contact Dr. Narvaez with questions:

Workshop Materials Page

 Tools for Research and Assessment

Evolved Developmental Niche History (Narvaez, University of Notre Dame)

Assessing Ethical Skills (Narvaez) University of Notre Dame

Attitudes Towards Human Rights Inventory (ATHRI) guide. (Narvaez, Thoma, Getz) University of Notre Dame.

Checklist for an Ethical Classroom: Guide (Narvaez) University of Notre Dame

 Checklist for an Achieving and Ethical Classroom: Guide (Narvaez) University of Notre Dame

 Citizenship Scale for Primary and Secondary Students: Guide (Narvaez) University of Notre Dame

Community Bonding Scale: Guide. (Narvaez) University of Notre Dame: Center for Ethical Education.

Commitment to Ethical Goodness Guide For Elementary and Secondary School Students: Guide. (Narvaez, Bock & Vaydich), University of Notre Dame

Moral Theme Inventory (MTI) Guide (Narvaez & Bock) South Bend, IN: Notre Dame University.  MTI AUDIO Files   MTI spss scoring SYNTAX

MulticulturalExperiencesQuestionnaireV5 (MEQ) (Narvaez, Endicott, & Hill)

Positivity Scale Guide. (Narvaez) University of Notre Dame.

Rating Ethical Content System (RECS) for children’s media (Narvaez)

Tuning into Ethical Behavior: Guide (Narvaez)

Tools for Teachers: Ethical Skill Instruction

 Free from

Narvaez, D. with Endicott, L., Bock, T., & Mitchell, C. (2001). Nurturing character in the middle school classroom: Ethical Action. St. Paul: Minnesota Department of Children, Families and Learning.

Narvaez, D. & Bock, T., with Endicott, L., & Mitchell, C. (2001). Nurturing character in the middle school classroom: Ethical Judgment. St. Paul: Minnesota Department of Children, Families and Learning.

Narvaez, D., & Endicott, L., with Bock, T., & Mitchell, C. (2001). Nurturing character in the middle school classroom: Ethical Sensitivity. St. Paul: Minnesota Department of Children, Families & Learning.

Narvaez, D. & Lies, J. with Endicott, L., Bock, T., & Mitchell, C. (2001). Nurturing character in the middle school classroom: Ethical Motivation. St. Paul: Minnesota Department of Children, Families and Learning.

Updated versions for purchase (each $15 or all four for $50):

Nurturing character in the classroom, EthEx Series, Book 4: Ethical Action. (Narvaez) Notre Dame, IN: ACE Press.

Nurturing character in the classroom, EthEx Series, Book 2: Ethical Judgment. (Narvaez & Bock) Notre Dame, IN: ACE Press.

 Nurturing character in the classroom, EthEx Series, Book 1: Ethical Sensitivity. (Narvaez & Endicott) Notre Dame, IN: ACE Press.

Nurturing character in the classroom, EthEx Series, Book 3: Ethical Motivation. (Narvaez & Lies) Notre Dame, IN: ACE Press.

Integrative Education Guide (Narvaez)

Tools for Parents

Tuning into Ethical Behavior Guide (Narvaez)