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Cover Letters for International Students

Producing a cover letter can be overwhelming, and the best way to get started is by studying successful examples from your discipline and related fields. This workshop has an emphasis on grammar, tone, and presentation of ideas specifically for international students.


1) cover letters power point

2) Web resources:

Graduate School Notre Dame: Cover Letters

Cal Berkeley: Cover Letters for International students

Purdue: Job Search for International Students, cover letters

Giving an Effective Academic Presentation

From lectures to conference presentations to job talks, you will certainly give numerous presentations throughout your academic career. This workshop focuses on what an American academic audience expects. It covers preparation strategies, proper body stance, hand gestures, intonation, eye contact, and how to use presentation materials effectively.

Resources: Powerpoint

University of Waterloo, Center for Teaching Excellence: Using Visual Aids



Strategies for Listening and Note-Taking

Listening, comprehending, and taking good notes on a lecture can be difficult to do, especially when working outside one’s first language. This workshop identifies strategies one can use to improve one’s abilities, and suggests further ways to practice these skills.

Strategies for Listening and Taking Notes For International Students

Purdue OWL Transitional Devices


“Many Things” Listening Exercises

A Guide to Listening Comprehension and Note-Taking

Paraphrasing, Using Sources Effectively, & Avoiding Plagiarism

This workshop focuses on how to use scholarly sources in an ethical and appropriate manner. Topics include understanding and avoiding plagiarism, paraphrasing others’ arguments correctly, and proper citation techniques.

Paraphrasing, Using Sources Effectively, & Avoiding Plagiarism

For practice identifying plagiarism, try a plagiarism quiz: http://nd.edu/~dayo/plagiarism/item1.html

For help using citation styles, see: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/section/2/

US Classroom Culture: What to Expect as an International Student and Teaching Assistant

This workshop discusses how the American university classroom is influenced by cultural values that may be new to the international student. There are a number of techniques that teachers or teaching assistants can use to prepare for teaching in the US academy, and to create a classroom environment conducive to learning.

US Classroom Culture- for TAs

Purdue OWL Transitional Devices

Talking with Others about Your Research

As a scholar you must be able to make your work comprehensible to both specialists and non-specialists. This workshop highlights the different situations in which international students need to be able to explain their research, from academic conferences to dinner with friends. Learn what you need to cover, and begin composing and practicing your research spiel.

A “good” research pitch is compelling, concise, and conveys competency.

Talking with Others about your Research Notes