Dr. Christensen, Technology, and Higher Ed Transformation

I came across this article while looking into recent news involving Clayton Christensen. The author, Reed Sheard, is the Vice President and CIO at Westmont College. He provides commentary on a recent article posted by Clayton Christensen stating that within the next 10 years, up to 50% of all higher education institutions will either merge or close. Reed thinks this is a negative prospect for the education system and points to a need for innovation in the “business of higher education” as a means of addressing rising costs of eduction. I agree with some of his points, but think he oversimplifies the allure of online education. It’s not just the cost savings that attract people to online eduction. They are also attracted to time freedom, pace freedom, location freedom, and work freedom (yeah, a lot of freedom). For many people (maybe most), higher education sin’t necessary and doesn’t make sense, but modern society has made it a right of passage. Very interesting times ahead for higher education. What are your thoughts?

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