Lecture Notes – Nov 29th


Mobile web development

Live demo and class participation in web application exercise

HW 14 – Due Dec 1st

  • Continue development on your project
  • Update the Gantt chart to reflect your progress
  • Submit first draft of your project documentation
  • Send: 1) link to project 2) updated Gantt chart (*.gan file) and 3) first draft of documentation to:  gmadey, qzhi, and snjoroge as a team submission (Subject line: HW 14 – Team #).

Lecture Notes – Nov 27th

Class agenda

HW 13 – Due Nov 26th

  • Continue software development on your project
  • Update the Gantt chart to reflect:
    • First draft of your project documentation will be due on Dec. 1st
    • Progress (percent complete) on tasks in Gantt chart
  • Send: 1) link to project and 2) updated Gantt chart (*.gan file) to  gmadey, qzhi, and snjoroge as a team submission (Subject line: HW 13 – Team #).

Lecture Notes – Nov 20th

Class agenda

HW 12 – Due Nov 17th

  • First “minimum viable product” of your project due online by midnight, November 17.
  • Email URL and a few tips/hints on how to execute/evaluate the application to gmadey, qzhi, and snjoroge as a team (Subject line: HW 12 – Team #). Tell us what works and what is a placeholder in the email note.
  • Download and play with the program GanttProject (GPL v.3)
  • Also attach to the email:
    • An update to your requirements document
    • Include as an attachment a GanttProject “.gan” file that includes 1) your Gantt chart (updated if needed) and 2) a Resources chart presenting the team members and their effort allocations on the project.

Lecture Notes – Nov 8th

Class agenda