Farewell to the Class of 2013


During Commencement Weekend, Multicultural Student Programs and Services bid farewell to the graduates, who participated in the Africana, Asian Pacific Island, Latino and Native American Recognition Ceremonies. One hundred and ninety-two graduate and undergraduates were recognized for their academic achievements.  Honorary Doctorate Sr. Antona Ebo, F.S.M. offered words of wisdom to the audience at the Africana Recognition Ceremony as did Katie Washington `10 Valedictorian. The other ceremony speakers were: Kristine Yuen `10 (Asian Pacific Island), Professor José Limón (Latino) and Tobias Blake M.Th. `09 (Native American). At each of the ceremonies, the recipients of Latin Honors were given accolades for their outstanding academic performance.

Thank you to the undergraduates, who stayed to assist with these celebrations.  Voices of Faith, Mariachi and Coro Primivera Nuestra Senora, your contributions were deeply appreciated. We also want to acknowledge the faculty and administrators, who participated in the faculty processions.  It was an honor for the parents and family members to see the Village that nurtured their sons and daughters throughout their matriculation.

MSPS charges undergraduates to strive for academic excellence while creating your legacy at Our Lady’s University. If you begin with a proper life and academic balance, your Notre Dame experience will be fulfilling. Our prayer for the summer is that God be with our graduates as they venture into the next phase of their lives.  We also ask that He keep the undergraduates safe.

Lastly, MSPS will have some new faces in the fall.  Alexandria Moore and Meg Brandl were part of the Class of 2013 and Ally Kwun will be abroad. So stop by and welcome the new members of the MSPS Team.

If you are on campus, please welcome Ke `Ana A. Bradley, MSPS Assistant Director for Programming.

Have a safe summer.

Iris L. Outlaw



Ethnic History 365 Days

Thank you to Carter G. Woodson for creating Negro History Week in 1926, which evolved into Black History Month in 1976.  MSPS believes the contributions of African Americans, Asian Pacific Islanders, Latinos and Native American should be celebrated year-round, not just in a relegated month. Therefore, our programming reflects this philosophy by inviting scholars, experts and lectures based on the series theme and not their race or ethnicity.  Our goal is to educate the Notre Dame community by exposing the students to voices or perspectives that are normally not included in scholarly dialogues.  Thus the paradigm is shifted and so is our worldview.

In highlighting the African Diaspora and issues that impact all historically underrepresented groups, the February Interrace Forum titled We Are ND…Aren’t We? Call to Action: Do Race and Class Affect Inclusion? began a challenging discussion. American Studies Professor and Executive Director for the Institute for Latino Studies, Tim Matovina addressed the topic in the context of religion. The lively conversation that ensued forced the undergraduate and graduate students, faculty and staff to reflect on their respective perceptions of the face of God and how God calls us to interact with others. This was an inspiring way to begin our Black History Month Celebration.


The continuation of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Study of Race Series Playing with Fire II Race and Sport in American Culture resumed with Dr. Adrian Burgos, Professor of History and African American Studies at the University of Illinois, Champaign Urbana. Professor Richard Pierce and Dr. Burgos conversed on the theme, “Latinos in the Negro League.” Professor Pierce poised questions that uncovered the collective integration of American Baseball and sports and unknown historical facts.  Tuesday, February 19 Professor Pierce will engage Ms. Wendy Lewis, Senior Vice President of Diversity and Strategic Alliances at Major League Baseball, on “The Past, Present, and Future of Race in Professional Baseball.” Their conversation will begin at 6:00 p.m. in the Eck Visitor Center Auditorium with a reception following.





Kudos to the Black Student Association for the Blacks at Notre Dame Exhibit in the Hesburgh Library corridor. The history spans from the first African American to current students.  During Junior Parents Weekend, the Black Cultural Arts Council successfully hosted their annual Coffeehouse on Friday, February 15. The serenity of poetry, music and fine art filled the La Fortune Ballroom. Proceeds were applied to BCAC’s Thurgood Marshall Scholarship. Congratulations to the 2013 Thurgood Marshall Scholarship winners Ms. Olivia Mitchell and Mr. Steven Waller. These exceptional first-year students have been actively involved with BCAC and within the Notre Dame Community.

Thursday, February 21, the Gender Relations Center, MSPS and Walsh Hall are hosting “RACEing into Relationships”, a luncheon addressing interracial relationships. Arnel Bulaoro-MSPS, Emmanuel Cannady –GRC, and LaTonia Ferguson – Human Resources will share their insights from 12:30 p.m. -1:30 p.m. in the Coleman Morse Lounge. Lunch from Jimmy Johns will be provided.

The month will conclude with Shades of Ebony sponsoring their annual “BeaUtiful You” symposium for local middle and high school female students on February 28th.  The workshops will focus on creating positive self-image and establishing meaningful relationships between young women.

Do not hesitate to contact MSPS (msps@nd.edu or call 574-631-6841) regarding any event. Unless designated they are free and open to the public.

Know Your Rights: Know Your Limits

Know Your Rights: Know Your Limits

The October Interrace Forum “Know Your Rights: Know Your Limits” was appropriate for two major reasons.  The first is that it addressed one of the issues highlighted at the March 5, 2012 Call to Action meeting. The second in preparation for the BC game and life it is prudent that one knows the law, how to conduct oneself and file complaints if you believe you are stopped unjustly.

NDSP Assistant Chief Keri Shibata, ND Law Professor Jim Gurule and third year law student Mauri Miller educated students and administrators on how to conduct themselves during an encounter with law enforcement personnel. Assistant Chief Shibata talked about the NDSP jurisdiction, their role and how to file a complaint.  Professor Gurule explained the Fourth and Fifth Amendments and that you could decline a search or anything that might incriminate yourself.  Mr. Miller offered the student’s perspective. He stressed that it was crucial not to escalate the situation and to understand thoroughly the Miranda Rights.  All reiterated not to argue with officers in the moment. If you have a concern ask to speak with a supervisor or file a report the next day or as soon as possible.


The information provided constitutes precious life lessons. As a daughter of a police officer, the panelists reaffirmed points that my father shared as I entered college.  The Interrrace Advisory Committee is very appreciative that they took time to share the knowledge with the students and administrators present last month.  Thank you to our panel and those in attendance.


Wishing safe travels to those who are trekking to Boston this weekend.