
Journal Publications; Citations = 3012; h-index = 25,  i10 index = 34; Patent Applications = 7
Full List of publications and citations can be accessed on google scholar


37. PLGA nanoparticles formulations loaded with antibiotics induce sustained and controlled antibiotics release for prolonged antibacterial action against MRSA, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa FRD1. Military Medicine, Volume 189, Issue Supplement_3, September/October 2024, Pages 230–238, (Accepted for Publication Feb 22, 2024) Guevara A, Armknecht K, Kudary C,  Nallathamby, P.D.

36. Antimicrobial Peptide-conjugated phage-mimicking nanoparticles exhibit potent antibacterial action against Streptococcus pyogenes in murine wound infection models.  Nanoscale Advances, 2024, 6, 1145 – 1162DOI: 10.1039/D3NA00620D Olesk J, Donahue D, Ross J, Sheehan C, Bennett Z, Armknecht K, Kudary C, Hopf J, Ploplis V.A, Castellino F.J, Lee S.W, Nallathamby, P.D. (IF = 4.7)


35. Peptide-conjugated phage-mimicking nanoparticles exhibit potent antibacterial action against Streptococcus pyogenes in murine wound infection models. ChemRxiv. Cambridge: Cambridge Open Engage; 2023; This content is a preprint and has not been peer-reviewed. (2023) In final review at Nanoscale Advances Olesk J, Donahue D, Ross J, Sheehan C, Bennett Z, Armknecht K, Kudary C, Hopf J, Ploplis V.A, Castellino F.J, Lee S.W, Nallathamby, P.D. ChemRXiv  


34. Biocompatible, Multi-Mode, Fluorescent, T2 MRI Contrast Magnetoelectric-Silica Nanoparticles (MagSiNs), for On-Demand Doxorubicin Delivery to Metastatic Cancer Cells. Pharmaceuticals 151216 (2022) Waters, M.; Hopf, J.; Tam,E.; Wallace, S.; Chang, J.; Bennett, Z.; Aquino, H.; Roeder, R.K.; Helquist,P.; Stack, M.S.; Nallathamby, P.D.  (IF = 5.677)

33.  Engineering bioactive nanoparticles to rejuvenate vascular progenitor cells. Communications Biology 5, 635 (2022) Bui, L., Edwards, S., Hall, E., Alderfer, L., Round, K., Owen, M., Sainaghi, P., Zhang, S., Nallathamby, P.D., Haneline, L.S., Hanjaya-Putra,D.
doi:10.1038/s42003-022-03578-4 (IF = 6.268)

32. Colloidal Stability, Cytotoxicity, and Cellular Uptake of HfO2 Nanoparticles
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part B – Applied Biomaterials, 2021

Tracie McGinnity, Viktoriya Sokolova, Oleg Prymak, Prakash Nallathamby, Matthias Epple, and Ryan K. Roeder 
doi: 10.1002/jbm.b.34800 (IF = 3.405)

31. Phage-mimicking antibacterial core–shell nanoparticles
Nanoscale Advances, 2019, 1, 4812–4826

Juliane Hopf, Margo Waters, Veronica Kalwajtys, Katelyn E. Carothers, Ryan K. Roeder, Joshua D. Shrout, Shaun W. Lee and Prakash D. Nallathamby
doi: 10.1039/C9NA00461K (IF = 5.598)

30. Nanoparticles in Biomedicine-Focus on Imaging Applications
Engineered Science, 5, 1-20
P. Zhou, J. Wang, X.Du, T. Huang, P. D. Nallathamby, L. Yang, W. Zou, Y. Zhou, J-M Jault, S. Chen and F. Ding

29. CD133 Promotes Adhesion to the Ovarian Cancer Metastatic Niche
Cancer Growth and Metastasis,  11, 1-11
Lynn Roy, Alexander Bobbs, Rachel Sattler, Jeffrey L Kurkewich, Paige B Dausinas, Prakash Nallathamby, Karen D Cowden Dahl

28. Super-resolution fluorescence microscopy by stepwise optical saturation
Biomedical Optics Express  9, 1613-1629 (IF = 3.562)
Yide Zhang, P.D. Nallathamby,Genevieve D. Vigil, Aamir A. Khan, Devon E. Mason, Joel D. Boerckel, Ryan K. Roeder, and Scott S. Howard

27. Nanoparticle imaging probes for molecular imaging with computed tomography and application to cancer imaging
SPIE Medical Imaging

26. Single Nanoparticle Plasmonic Spectroscopy for Study of Efflux Function of Multidrug ABC Membrane Transporters of Single Live Cells
RSC Advances; 6, 36794-36802
doi:10.1039/c6tb01659f (IF = 4.036)
25. Single Nanoparticle Plasmonic Spectroscopy for Study of Charge-Dependent Efflux Function of Multidrug ABC Transporters of Single Live Bacillus subtilis Cells
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C; 120, 21007-21016
doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b03313 (IF = 4.126)
24. Hafnia (HfO 2) nanoparticles as an X-ray contrast agent and mid-infrared biosensor
Nanoscale; 8, 13627-13637
doi:10.1039/c6nr03217f (IF = 8.307)

23. Preparation of fluorescent Au–SiO 2 core–shell nanoparticles and nanorods with tunable silica shell thickness and surface modification for immunotargeting
Journal of Materials Chemistry B; 4, 5418-5428
doi:10.1039/c6tb01659f (IF = 6.331)

22. New surface radiolabeling schemes of super paramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) for biodistribution studies
Nanoscale; 7, 6545-6555
doi:10.1039/c4nr06441k(IF = 8.307)
21. Design and Synthesis of Nanoparticle Contrast Agents for Spectral (color) X-Ray Imaging
MRS Proceedings; 1719, mrsf14-1719-c05-08
20. Wavelength dependent specific plasmon resonance coupling of single silver nanoparticles with EGFP
Nanoscale; 7, 17623-17630
doi:10.1039/c5nr05234c (IF = 8.307)

19. Study of charge-dependent transport and toxicity of peptide-functionalized silver nanoparticles using zebrafish embryos and single nanoparticle plasmonic spectroscopy
Chemical research in toxicology; 26, 904-917
doi:10.1021/tx400087d (IF = 3.739)
18. Dynamic development of the protein corona on silica nanoparticles: composition and role in toxicity
Nanoscale; 5, 6372-6380
doi:10.1039/c3nr33280B (IF = 8.307)
17. In Vivo Inhalation Exposures to Super-Paramagnetic Iron-Oxide Nanoparticles (SPIONP) followed by Magnetic Particle Detection (MPD) and Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) Analysis
Journal of Aerosol of Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery; 26, A16-A16
16. Silver Nanoparticles Incite Size-and Dose-Dependent Developmental Phenotypes and Nanotoxicity in Zebrafish Embryos
Chemical research in toxicology; 26, 1503-1513
doi:10.1021/tx400228p (IF = 3.739)
15. Silver nanoparticles induce developmental stage-specific embryonic phenotypes in zebrafish
Nanoscale; 5, 11625-11636
doi:10.1039/c3nr03210h (IF = 8.307)
14. Volume labeling with Alexa Fluor dyes and surface functionalization of highly sensitive fluorescent silica (SiO 2) nanoparticles
Nanoscale; 5, 10369-10375
doi:10.1039/c3nr02639F (IF = 8.307)

13. Single nanoparticle spectroscopy for real-time in vivo quantitative analysis of transport and toxicity of single nanoparticles in single embryos.
The Analyst; 137, 2973
doi:10.1039/C2AN35293A (IF = 4.616)
12. In Vivo Quantitative Study of Sized-Dependent Transport and Toxicity of Single Silver Nanoparticles Using Zebrafish Embryos
Chemical Research in Toxicology; 25, 1029-1046
doi:10.1021/tx300021u (IF = 3.739)

11. Study of cytotoxic and therapeutic effects of stable and purified silver nanoparticles on tumor cells
Nanoscale; 2, 942-952 doi:10.1039/c0nr00080a (IF = 8.307)
10. Study of the Multidrug Membrane Transporter of Single Living Pseudomonas aeruginosa Cells Using Size-Dependent Plasmonic Nanoparticle Optical Probes
Biochemistry; 49, 5942-5953doi:10.1021/bi100268k (IF = 3.162) 
9. Probing of multidrug ABC membrane transporters of single living cells using single plasmonic nanoparticle optical probes
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry; 397, 3317-3328doi:10.1007/s00216-010-3864-8(IF = 3.44)
8. Design and characterization of optical nanorulers of single nanoparticles using optical microscopy and spectroscopy
Nanoscale; 2, 1715-1722doi:10.1039/c0nr00303d (IF = 8.307)

7. Random walk of single gold nanoparticles in zebrafish embryos leading to stochastic toxic effects on embryonic developments
Nanoscale; 1, 138-152
doi:10.1039/b9nr00053d (IF = 8.307)
6. Correlation and Characterization of Three-Dimensional Morphologically Dependent Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Spectra of Single Silver Nanoparticles Using Dark-Field Optical Microscopy and Spectroscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C; 114, 74-81
doi:10.1021/jp9083019 (IF = 4.126)
5. Real-time imaging and tuning subcellular structures and membrane transport kinetics of single live cells at nanosecond regime
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B; 113, 14393-14404
doi:10.1021/jp9021739 (IF =2.991)

4. Photostable single-molecule nanoparticle optical biosensors for real-time sensing of single cytokine molecules and their binding reactions
Journal of the American Chemical Society; 130, 17095-17105
doi:10.1021/ja8068853 (IF = 16.38)
3. Design of stable and uniform single nanoparticle photonics for in vivo dynamics imaging of nanoenvironments of zebrafish embryonic fluids
ACS nano; 2, 1371-1380
doi:10.1021/nn800048x (IF = 18.03)

2. In vivo imaging of transport and biocompatibility of single silver nanoparticles in early development of zebrafish embryos
ACS Nano; 1, 133-143
doi:10.1021/nn700048y (IF = 18.03)
1. Design and synthesis of single-nanoparticle optical biosensors for imaging and characterization of single receptor molecules on single living cells
Analytical chemistry; 79, 7708-7718
doi:10.1021/ac0709706 (IF = 8.008)


5.  Magnetic nanoparticles and methods of drug release
Inventor(s): Prakash Daniel Nallathamby
Publication date: 2023/5/07
Worldwide Patent: WO2023215210A1

4. Dual antibody bridge nanoparticles for efficient targeting of cancer cells using immunotherapy (universal CAR-T cells) or other anticancer therapeutics
Inventor(s): Prakash Daniel Nallathamby
Publication date: 2022/5/01
US Patents Office: PCT/US2022/0280113

3. Phage mimicking nanoparticles
Inventors: Prakash Daniel Nallathamby, Juliane Hopf
Publication date: 2021/8/19
US Patents Office
Patent application no. 17269710

2. Nanoparticle biosensors
US Patents Office
Patent no. 20090148863

1. Stable nanoparticles, nanoparticle-based imaging systems, nanoparticle-based assays, and in vivo assays for screening biocompatibility and toxicity of nanoparticles
US Patents Office
Patent no. 20120164073

Book Chapter
Probing Membrane Transport of Single Live Cells Using Single-Molecule Detection and Single Nanoparticle Assay
Chemical Analysis-New York-Interscience John Wiley; 172, 41

Design and Synthesis of Photostable Nanoparticle Probes for Molecular Imaging and Sensing in Life Science
Old Dominion University