
Aug 30

Military Health Sciences Research Symposium 2024. (Aug 26-29, 2024, Kissimmee FL)

Dr. Nallathamby presented on his abiotic biomimicking antibacterial Nanoparticles, and how they were successfully tested against  A. baumannii BA1605 S.aureus USA300, P.aeruginosa FRD1, K. pneumoniae, C.striatum, E. faecalis, and S. pyogenes. We saw little to no evolution of resistance at doses above the MIC. Additionally, we observed what looks like inflammation-free wound healing in mouse and rat models. The wound size stabilizes as soon as the formulation is applied topically. It then heals without any oozing or flare-ups. We have created wound infections in mice and rats with MRSA, A. baumannii, and S. pyogenes.

We presented at MHSRS to see if this fits into the one treatment against multiple threats category as well as inflammation-free healing of wounds. We have demonstrated our NP’s ability to create antibacterial surfaces and would love to explore them for dental or fracture applications.

 Our material is modularly assembled and, to a certain extent, can be customized with our collaborators’ test molecules on top of it, to test against other pathogens of interest to the collaborators. Our material can be easily shipped off site as a powder or a liquid formulation for testing. 

Our Lab’s sessions at MHSRS 2024 were:

1. Poster details.

Breakout session: Non-traditional Treatments and Delivery strategies for Wound infections and Sepsis

Poster Session 3 was on Wednesday 28 Aug 1000-1200 

Abstract ID # MHSRS-24-13484

Abstract Title: Phage-mimicking Nanostructures to Create a New Class of Antibacterial Agents Resistant to the Emergence of Multi-Drug Resistance in ESKAPE Pathogens

2. Oral Presentation Details.

Abstract ID is: MHSRS-24-13533

Abstract Title: Phage-Mimicking Nanoparticles, Conjugated to Antimicrobial Peptides or Antimicrobial Polymers, Exhibit Broad-Spectrum Antibacterial activity Against ESKAPE Pathogens in Liquid Phase or Immobilized Phase

Breakout session: Innovative Technologies and Devices for Treatment of Battlefield Wounds in Prolonged Care to Prevent Infection

The breakout session was on Thursday, 29 Aug, 0845-1045