Category Archive: Berthiaume Institute for Precision Health

Aug 30

Military Health Sciences Research Symposium 2024. (Aug 26-29, 2024, Kissimmee FL)

Dr. Nallathamby presented on his abiotic biomimicking antibacterial Nanoparticles, and how they were successfully tested against  A. baumannii BA1605 S.aureus USA300, P.aeruginosa FRD1, K. pneumoniae, C.striatum, E. faecalis, and S. pyogenes. We saw little to no evolution of resistance at doses above the MIC. Additionally, we observed what looks like inflammation-free wound healing in mouse and rat models. The wound size stabilizes as soon as the formulation is …

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Aug 21

Sustained and Controlled Antibiotics Release for Prolonged Antibacterial Action Against MRSA, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Congratulations to REUs Argerie Guevara (NURF’21), and Kevin Armknecht (NURF’23) and Carlie Kudary (#BIPH) on the prolonged antibacterial action formulation of standard antibiotics to tackle MRSA and P.aeruginosa. More to come this year. #AMR #GOIRISH

Jun 19

Precision Health and Diagnostics Session Chair at Techconnect World Innovation Conference (2024)

I am super thrilled to have organized and chaired the session on “Precision Health and Diagnostics” at Techconnect 2024, which was held from June 17 to 19 at National Harbor in Maryland. Precision health and diagnostics have revolutionized treatment regimens by replacing them with ones that are more effective, less toxic, and positively impact survival.  …

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May 24

MTEC Annual meeting in Baltimore MD (May 24, 2024)

Really useful information on working with the DoD’s medical enterprise. MTEC annual meeting in Baltimore, MD. Phage Mimicking antibacterial nanoparticles was a hit. New Partnering opportunity on the horizon. Exciting times ahead! #GOIRISH #MTEC #AMR #NEXTGEN #ANTIBIOTICS

May 07

Nallathamby Lab’s Kevin Armknecht is Invited to Present at the Midwest Microscopy and Microanalysis Workshop 2024

Notre Dame senior Kevin Armknecht, affiliated with the Berthiaume Institute for Precision Health, has earned the Best Publication Imaging Award from ND’s Integrated Imaging Facility (NDIIF) for images he contributed to a recent Nanoscale Advances publication. Armknecht, who is majoring in pre-professional studies with minors in compassionate care in medicine and poverty studies, produced these …

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Apr 23

SOFWERX – Genomic Non-Specific Operational Matchmaking Enabled Systems

AIM is a collaborative initiative led by DoD in the CWMD and CBRNE space. The goal of AIM is to demonstrate an enduring Hybrid Accelerator model in coordination with Industry, non-traditional partners, and SMEs to develop technology, build networks/relationships, and develop processes targeting specific Warfighter problem spaces as identified by AIM government collaborators. AIM requests …

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Mar 20

Kevin Armknecht of the Nallathamby Lab is the First Undergraduate to Win the Notre Dame Integrated Imaging Facility Award in Recognizing Imaging Excellence Through Publication for 2023

Two researchers from the University of Notre Dame are being honored for their outstanding publications and imaging work produced using the Integrated Imaging Facility (NDIIF). Each year, the NDIIF presents imaging awards to acknowledge and celebrate the researchers who utilize its equipment across the facility’s four Imaging Cores: Optical Microscopy, Electron Microscopy, In Vivo Imaging, …

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Jan 29

Phage-Mimicking Antibacterial Nanoparticles Tackle Group A Streptococcal Infections In Vivo

We are excited to publish on our Phage-mimicking nanoparticles efficiently tackling Group A Streptococcus infections in mouse wound infection models in RSC Nanoscale Advances ( Thank you to Prof. Frank Castellino, Prof. Victoria Ploplis, and Deborah Donahue of the W.M. Keck Transgene Center for the in vivo studies. Thanks to Prof. Shaun Lee’s lab (Biology) …

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Oct 30

2nd Annual Berthiaume Institute for Precision Health’s Advisory Board Meeting

Great job by the Nallathamby lab (PDNANO) members Conor, Kevin and Carlie at presenting our work on antibacterials, and cancer therapeutics to the @ND_IPH advisory board! Great input from the advisory board members on possible collaborations and translational paths forward. #GoIrish#NDResearch#MDR#curecancer All three presenters have publications with us which formed the basis for these poster …

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Aug 14

1st Place Poster at the Military Health Sciences Research Symposium 2023 (Aug 14-17, Kissimmee, FL)

The Nallathamby group won 1st place at the DoD’s largest health conference (MHSRS’23) for our disruptive work tackling the biggest public health problem of Multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacterial infections. I am proud to represent ND among other distinguished participants! #GoIrish #NDresearch #mdr #MHSRS2023. Our work was titled, “Wound Healing Promoted by Broad-Spectrum, Phage Structure Mimicking, Synthetic …

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