2020 Fall (Junior 1st Semester)
- Math 60330: Graduate Topology and Geometry (Taken at University of Notre Dame with Prof. Mnev, Text: Topology, Munkres, Algebraic Topology Ch 1, Hatcher, Differentiable Manifolds, Hitchin)
- Math 60350: Graduate Real Analysis (Taken at University of Notre Dame with Prof. Misiolek, Text: Real Analysis, Folland)
- Math 60710: Graduate Algebraic Geometry I (Taken at University of Notre Dame with Prof. Janda, Text: Algebraic Geometry, Hartshorne)
- CSE 48901: Undergraduate Research with Prof. Taeho Jung
- Undergraduate Honors Thesis on Arithmetic Geometry, on the topic of Hodge Theory
- Directed reading in representation theory of sl(2,R).
2020 Summer (Summer between Sophomore and Junior Year in college)
- Independent Reading: Automorphic Forms and Representations Chap 1, Bump
- Directing Algebra Reading Group with more than 20 participants
- Research Assistant for Cryptography at Notre Dame
2020 Spring (Sophomore 2nd semester in college)
- Math 60220: Graduate Algebra II (Taken at University of Notre Dame with Prof. Raicu, Text: Abstract Algebra, ch 13-19, Dummit & Foote)
- Math 40910: Topics in Mathematical Logic (Taken at University of Notre Dame with Prof. Pillay, Text: Logic For Computer Scientists, Schöning)
- Math 60380: Graduate Complex Analysis II (Taken at University of Notre Dame with Prof. Shaw, Text: Complex Analysis, Shaw, Stanton)
- Reading Group: Commutative Algebra (With Prof. Sam Evens, Text: Introduction to Commutative Algebra, Atiyah & MacDonald)
- Math 40510: Algebraic Geometry (With Prof. Milgiore, Text: Ideals, Varieties and Algorithms, Cox, O’Shea)
- Independent reading on GTM 7, A Course on Arithmetic, Serre
- Independent reading on GTM 222, Lie Groups, Lie Algebras and Representations, Hall (Notes)
- Math section co-Editor for Scientia, the undergraduate research journal at Notre Dame
- Grading for Math 20750 Ordinary Differential Equations, Math 20820 Honors Algebra II
- Founded the math newspaper Less Than Epsilon at University of Notre Dame with Alex Kokot
2019 Fall (Sophomore 1st semester in college)
- Math 60210: Graduate Algebra (Taken at University of Notre Dame with Prof. Evens, Text: Graduate Algebra, Ash) Notes: Graduate_Algebra
- Math 30850: Honors Analysis (Taken at University of Notre Dame with Prof. Misiolek, Text: Basic Real Analysis, Knapp) Notes: Honors_Analysis-2
- Math 60370: Graduate Complex Analysis (Taken at University of Notre Dame with Prof. Shaw, Text: Complex Analysis, Shaw, Stanton)
- Phil 43907: Intermediate Logic (Taken at University of Notre Dame with Prof. Curtis Franks, Text: Handbook of Proof Theory, Buss)
- Directed Reading: Number Theory (With Prof. Sam Evens, Text: Notes on Idelic Approach to Number Theory by Weston, Parts from MIT Open Courseware)
- Directed Reading: Number Theory (With Paul Levan, Text: Local Field Theory by Guillot)
- Expository Project: Class_Number_through_Adeles_and_Ideles
- Grading for Math 20810 Honors Algebra I
- Grading for Math 20750 ODE
- Tutoring in the math help room at University of Notre Dame
- Tutoring in the math bunker at University of Notre Dame
- Math section Junior Editor for Scientia, the undergraduate research journal at Notre Dame
2019 Summer (Summer between Freshman and Sophomore Year in college)
- Independent Reading: p-adic Numbers, p-adic Analysis, and Zeta Functions (Neal Koblitz, Springer, GTM 58)
- Independent Reading: Mathematics and Its History (John Stillwell)
- Summer REU (Self Sponsored) at Texas State University on Finite Group Theory
2019 Spring (Freshman 2nd Semester in College)
- Math 20820: Honors Algebra II (Taken at University of Notre Dame with Prof. Gekhtman, Text: Linear Algebra Done Wrong, Treil)
- Math 20860: Honors Calculus IV (Taken at University of Notre Dame with Prof. Nicolaescu, Text: Introduction to Real Analysis, Nicolaescu)
- Math 40480: Complex Variable (Taken at University of Notre Dame with Prof. Snow, Text: Complex Variable and Its Applications, Churchill)
- Directed Reading: Topology (Taken at University of Notre Dame with Prof. Connolly, Prof. Studenmund, Text: Topology, Munkres)
- Directed Reading: Algebraic Number Theory (Not on transcript, with Mr. JD Quigley, Text: Algebraic Number Theory, Neukirch)
- Directed Reading: Number Theory (Not on transcript, with Prof. Evens, Text: Parts from Ireland and Rosen, Samuel, Milne)
- Expository Project: Class Number Formulae (Advisor: Prof. Gekhtman, published in Scientia)
2018 Fall (Freshman 1st Semester in College)
- Math 20810: Honors Algebra I (Taken at University of Notre Dame with Prof. Gekhtman, Text: Linear Algebra Done Wrong, Treil)
- Math 20850: Honors Calculus III (Taken at University of Notre Dame with Prof. Nicolaescu, Text: Introduction to Real Analysis, Nicolaescu)
- Math 43900: Problem Solving (Not on Transcript, with Prof. Jorza, Text: Putnam and Beyond, Andreescu)
- Directed Reading: Topology (Taken at University of Notre Dame with Prof. Connolly, Prof. Studenmund, and Mr. Mattew Schoenbauser, Text: Introduction to Topology, Green and Gamelin)
- Directed Reading: Algebraic Number Theory (Not on transcript, with Mr. JD Quigley, Text: Algebraic Number Theory, Jarvis)
- Reading Group: Combinatorics (Co-working with Jason Brown, another first year at Notre Dame)
- Independent Reading: Number Theory (Text: An Introduction To Number Theory with Cryptography, James S. Kraft, Lawrence C. Washington, CRC Press)
- Expository Project: Galois Theory and p-closure on a field (Advisor: Prof. Gekhtman)
2018 Summer
- Directed Reading: Galois Theory and Representation Theory (With Ms. Zhu, Text: Algebra, Artin)
2018 Spring (Senior 2nd Semester in High School)
- Math 402: Real Analysis (Taken at University of Missouri at Kansas City with Dr. Delaware, Text: Elementary Real Analysis, Thompson et al. )
- Math 410: Abstract Algebra (Taken at University of Missouri at Kansas City with Dr. Sega, Text: Introduction to Modern Algebra, Durham)
2017 Fall (Senior 1st Semester in High School)
- Math 300: Linear Algebra (Taken at University of Missouri at Kansas City with Dr. Voulov, Text: Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Lay)