Best Wishes to Terry Donze in Retirement

Colleagues and friends,

It is with great sadness that I announce that effective March 1, 2022, Terry Donze will retire from Notre Dame and our University Relations team.

Since July 1988, Terry has served University Relations with great distinction in several important roles. Terry began her Notre Dame career by working for Fr. Ted’s niece, Ann Johnston, in the Annual Fund. She then transitioned to the Special Events team, where she worked for Jim Gibbons and Pam Spence. In 1996, Terry become Officer Assistant to Vice President for University Relations, Bill Sexton, and served along his side until his retirement six years later. And for the past two decades, Terry has worked closely with me and served as a cherished colleague, confidante, and essential leader of our team.

One of the division’s longest-serving members, Terry is beloved and admired across campus and within the broader Notre Dame family. A friendly face and welcoming presence for generations of alumni, parents and friends, Terry’s characteristic warmth, genuine love for the Notre Dame family, and complete dedication to the mission will be greatly missed.

As many of you know, Terry has battled health challenges over the past few years and will now focus her energies on getting better. While we are deeply saddened by Terry’s retirement, we also celebrate Terry and her exemplary career of service. Please join me in thanking Terry for her incredible dedication to Our Lady’s University over the past 34 years. I know that Notre Dame, Our Mother, will continue to watch over Terry, her husband, George, and all of their wonderful family from atop the Dome.

With love and utmost gratitude,

Announcing Josh Tullis’ Transition to the Academy


It is with excitement for Josh Tullis that I share his next adventure as the Managing Director of the Notre Dame Wireless Institute’s new NSF Spectrum Innovation Center, SpectrumX, beginning March 7th. In this new position, Josh will work closely with faculty leaders, research administrators, industry partners, and government collaborators. SpectrumX—initiated by a recent 5-year, $25M center grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation—is the world’s largest academic hub where all radio spectrum stakeholders can innovate, collaborate, and contribute to maximizing the societal benefits provided by this precious resource.

During his five years in Development, Josh has been instrumental in growing key relationships in Corporate Relations, including through the notable and transformational $20 million gift from IBM for the Notre Dame – IBM Tech Ethics Lab. The CFR team remains grateful to Josh for his work with companies on behalf of the University.

Please join me in wishing Josh all the best on this next chapter in service of Notre Dame’s mission.

Michelle Joyce

Bookstore Changes

Spring break is considered to be a time to refresh, and that’s the case this year for the Notre Dame bookstores. The stores will be closed over spring break, March 5-13, so management can smoothly transfer from Follett to Barnes & Noble College (BNC). The dates were chosen, in part, to cause students and faculty as little disruption as possible.

Notre Dame operates five bookstore retail properties and an online order fulfillment center.

The two largest stores are the Hammes Notre Dame Bookstore on campus and the Hammes Bookstore and Cafe at Eddy Street, which will close Friday, March 4, and Saturday, March 5, respectively. Both will reopen Monday, March 14, under BNC management.

When the bookstore re-opens, department discounts will be 20%, no longer the 30% received in the past. Personal faculty and staff purchases will continue to receive a 20% discount.

Between April and July, the Hammes Notre Dame Bookstore will be renovated one section at a time to cause as little disruption as possible for shoppers. A new cafe experience, offering coffee, pastries and sandwiches, will open in the spring.

At the Hammes Bookstore and Cafe at Eddy Street, shoppers will notice some cosmetic changes to the store come August. Additional renovations will occur in spring of 2023. Other than being temporarily closed between Sunday, March 6, to Sunday, March 13, the Starbucks inside the Eddy Street location will be unaffected by the change in store management.

Please note that Departmental/FOAPAL, student and Domer Dollar transactions will be unavailable Tuesday, March 1, through Sunday, March 13.

For more information, please read this article.

“Discount” Football Lottery Codes

New for the 2022 football season, for those giving society members who begin to give on a scheduled basis via a recurring or perpetual credit card, we calculated whether they will hit their total amount over twelve months inside of a calendar year. If they do, we take no action, but if they won’t, we have added a “Discount Lottery” affiliation under the ND Affiliation object in CRM to their record so that they are able to enter the football lottery as if they had achieved that level of giving.

So, for example:

Someone signs up to give $125/mo to Sorin. This works out to be $1,500/year, or a Green-level football application and a Green-level Sorin membership. We recognize them immediately in terms of their Sorin membership and welcome them aboard. If they sign up in this fashion in January 2021, we take no action. However, let’s say they signed up in July 2021, which means they’ll only hit $750 in CY2021 and thus won’t realize any football lottery application status until they’ve been a member of Sorin for a year and a half (they’d have to wait to access the lottery until 2023!). Now, we can add a “Discount Lottery – Green” affiliation to their record for CY2021 and they will receive a 2022 football lottery application at the Green level in 2022. This affiliation appears thusly in CRM:

Or like this on the constituent’s Overview screen in Advance:

This process is NOT public and we do not intend to make this expansion known at this time. Instead, this is meant to be a delighter for our members and to bring their society and football experiences in-line with each other. We also hope that this will enable our fundraisers the opportunity to solicit larger unrestricted asks from donors in their portfolios while allowing the donor to break up those gifts into smaller monthly, quarterly, or other recurring frequency sizes that may fit their budgets more easily. (An example of membership levels in both one-time and monthly amounts is located here.) Finally, we hope that by implementing this model, there will be a reduction in D-Code exceptions to manage each year.

A few notes:

  • Only recurring and perpetual credit card gifts made to the giving societies were examined at this time.
  • If a donor’s combined giving elsewhere to the University exceeds what they would have qualified for as a society member, no discount code was added. (In the example given above, if that Sorin member also gave $10,000 to a scholarship, we would not have added the discount code to their record and instead allowed their overall giving to be calculated via the standard D-Code process.)
  • A donor can only receive this “discount” code on their record once. This is meant to simply catch up their football experiences with their society experiences for that first partially-fulfilled year.

If you have any questions about this process, please do not hesitate to reach out to Kristin Trosper at Thanks so much!

2022 Notre Dame Investment Team Endowment Update Teleconference

Dear Colleagues,

On Thursday, February 24, 2022 at 11:00 am ET, please join us for the 2022 Notre Dame Endowment Update Teleconference. This private, invite-only event is for participants in Notre Dame’s charitable remainder trust and donor advised fund programs. The call is an opportunity to learn more about the University’s Endowment and participate in a question and answer session with Mike Donovan and the Investment Office team.

The current list of participants for this event can be found here.

To join this event, please contact Laura Walker.

UR February Birthdays

Happy birthday to all our UR employees celebrating their special days in February! We love having you all as our colleagues!

2/2 – Kim Biagini
2/3 – Shelby Carroll
2/4 – Rebekah Kincaid
2/4 – Sara Munoz
2/10 – Jessica Reasons
2/12 – Aaron Wall
2/13 – Christa LeeVan
2/14 – Rich Naponelli
2/16 – Matt Abernathy
2/20 – Riley Koval
2/21 – Kara Primmer
2/23 – Heather Moriconi
2/24 – Shannon Longo
2/27 – Amy Schell
2/29 – Bill Kempf

Welcome Robert “Bobby” Neuet Gardner to the Notre Dame Family!

Congratulations to Kat Gardner and her husband Wills on the addition of a second son to their family! Robert “Bobby” Neuet Gardner, whose first and middle names are both in honor of beloved family members, came into the world at 7:52 a.m. on Tuesday, January 18th. Bobby was 20.5 inches long and weighed in at 7 lbs. and 5 ounces. Kat reports that Bobby, big brother Liam (almost 3), and parents are all doing well! Our best wishes to Kat and the entire Gardner family!

Cristi Ganyard
Stewardship & Donor Relations

Congratulations Melissa Medina!


Melissa will be transitioning from her current role of Communication and Data Analyst in Gift Management to Gift and Biographic Analyst in Advancement Records. The Advancement Records team couldn’t be more excited to have Mel transition to the squad recognizing the incredible work she has done while in her role in Gift Management. Mel’s first day with the team will be February 1st however she will continue to ensure continuity in the acknowledgment and pledge reminder processes until a replacement for that role is found.

Welcome to the team Mel!


Gift and Data Management Office Closure Jan. 14

Dear UR colleagues,

The office of Gift and Data Management will be closed on Friday, January 14, 2022 for the team to enjoy a well-deserved long weekend after working over the University holiday break. Therefore, there will be no gift processing completed and the reports for Saturday will not differ from the reports on Friday. Someone will be answering the general phone line and email box for benefactors who need assistance.

The team did an excellent job of answering benefactor and internal partner questions, sending tax receipts, preparing and processing gifts, bio updates and partnering with the Controller’s office to execute a very smooth and efficient calendar year end! Thank you for all your partnership and support!

Amy Schell