Northwest Team Update

Dear UR Team,

I wanted to let you know that Sean Sharpe informed Lou, Sara, and the Executive Directors that he will step away from leading the Northwest Team and become a fundraiser in regional development.

In his own words, Sean said, “This decision comes not only with mixed emotions, but with gratitude and excitement; I have truly enjoyed being a part of and leading the Northwest region, and am thankful for the opportunity. I am eternally grateful for the dedication, hard work, and collaboration among our team and the broader UR family. Our ERD/SRD team is the best in higher education, and I am grateful to be a part of it. I am also excited to contribute in a different capacity, as I feel at this time in my journey it is the best use of my skills and experience, and the most effective way for me to serve Our Lady and drive philanthropy for Notre Dame.”

I want to acknowledge Sean for giving everything he had to lead the Northwest Team. I am inspired by his commitment to serve Notre Dame and by the courage it takes to make this call. I have great admiration for both. Sean will remain the leader of the Northwest Team until the next Senior Regional Director is selected.

Though he will be in a new role, we will count on Sean to continue to be a leader in our department. With his energy, excitement and dedication to Notre Dame, I know success will follow for him in this next role.

For the Northwest team, we will begin discussions for that next leader shortly. More details to follow.

In Notre Dame,


CORRECTION: Women Owned Business Market on March 4th

Please note that the Women Owned Business Market mentioned in today’s souNDoff is being held on Monday, March 4th, not the 14th. The corrected blurb will run again next week and read:

Women Owned Business Market
In celebration of Women’s History Month, join South Bend vendors to shop and learn more about local women-owned businesses. The event will take place Monday, March 4, from 3-7PM in the Dahnke Ballroom. 

We apologize for any confusion.

Baby Schaefer!

Congratulations to Rachel and Greg Schaefer and big sister, Caroline, on their new arrival! They welcomed Audrey Kathryn Schaefer into the world on Friday afternoon (2.16.24). From Rachel — they are overjoyed and a little under-slept!

-Patty Kokesh

Annual Giving Spring Renewal Mailing #1

Dear Colleagues,

The first spring renewal mailing (renew #1) dropped in mailboxes Friday, February 9, to all our unrestricted and giving society benefactors. As a reminder, this mailing is sent to all assigned and unassigned benefactors whose annual giving is less than $25,000, asking them to renew their previous calendar year gift by their respective fund owner. This mailing is being sent to over 11,000 households and will be followed by email reminders in the weeks to come. If you have any questions regarding our renewal strategy, please reach out to the appropriate fund (Sorin, Rockne, Law, etc.) owner on the annual giving team and they can assist.

Annual Giving Team

Condolences to Blake Rodman


Please join the Leadership Events and Internal Engagment teams in offering your prayers and condolences to our friend and colleague Blake Rodman. Blake’s father passed away unexpectedly this week. Services are still pending.

Geni Holmes and Lana Taylor

Eddy Street Parking Update


We wanted to share an update related to parking at the Eddy Street office. Beginning on Monday, February 12. 2024, the City of South Bend will be monitoring parking around the Eddy Street Commons using an LPR (License Plate Recognition) system. 

Any parking violations (exceeding posted time limits, blocking entrances, etc) will result in a ticket sent to the license plate owner.  The tickets will be mailed to the address registered to the license plate.  

For more information related to parking at Eddy Street, please refer to the guideline document.  If you have any questions, please contact me or Laura Waltz.

Have a great day,

Condolences to Rosie McDowell

Please join the Stewardship & Donor Relations team in offering your prayers and condolences to our friend and colleague Rosie McDowell, Financial Aid Stewardship Program Director. Rosie’s much-beloved father, Terry Riordan, Sr., passed away unexpectedly last week. Visitation and services will take place in South Bend on Friday, Feb. 9th and Saturday, Feb. 10th.

Obituary for Terry Riordan, Sr.

Cristi Ganyard

Congratulations Patty Herrity

Dear Colleagues,

Please join me in congratulating Patty Herrity on her promotion to the Sr. Director of Gift and Data Management effective February 1.

Patty has been a longstanding member of the Gift Management team, serving in a variety of capacities including leading the first ever data integrity team, and, most recently, overseeing the gift operations team. She has been an integral part of our gift management operations, always pushing the team to try new things, improving our processes, and bringing levity to our team meetings. Patty, who is a 1997 graduate of Notre Dame, has been at the University for 19 years and a member of the development team for 13 years.

Reporting directly to Patty in her new role will be Meg Buysse (focusing on asceND, pledge communications, and ongoing process improvement projects), Jessica Witous (leader of gift processing and biographical updates), Alyssa Strbjak (leader of gift management communications) and the Audit and Compliance Program Director (formerly held by Colleen Bailey-Knapke prior to her transition to the Gift Planning team). The posting for the Audit and Compliance Program Director will be posted in the coming days. If you have anyone you know of who may be interested in this leadership role, please contact Beth Graybill or Patty Herrity.

In Notre Dame,
Amy Schell

UR February Birthdays

Happy birthday to all our UR employees celebrating their special days in February! We hope this new year brings you lots of love!

2/2—Kim Biagini
2/3—Shelby Carroll
2/3—Katie Sphor
2/3—Alyssa Strbjak
2/4—Becky Kincaid
2/8—Davida Kozlowski
2/9—Steven Asiala
2/9—Shinnell Lee
2/10—Cat Edmonds
2/10—Jessica Reasons
2/10—Chris Russell
2/12—Aaron Wall
2/13—Christa LeeVan
2/16—Matt Abernathy
2/17—Allie Griffith
2/20—Riley Koval
2/21—Ashley Bennett
2/21—Ashley Moeller
2/21—Kara Primmer
2/23—Heather Moriconi
2/23—Anu Osinubi
2/24—Shannon Longo
2/24—Hannah Thompson
2/25—Stephanie Mead
2/27—Hilary Ott
2/27—Amy Schell
2/29—Bill Kempf

Gift & Data Management – No Gift Processing Friday 1/26/2024

With almost two weeks of gift processing under our belts, the Gift and Data Management team will be using Friday, January 26th as an opportunity to assess lessons learned, work on individual backlog items, and ensure processes implemented will be sustainable as we ramp up for fundraising initiatives coming in the next few weeks. We will not be processing gifts or pledges on Friday but will have coverage of our 1-5150 phone line and email. We will return to our regular processing on Monday January 29th.