(February 24th, 2017) Our paper entitled “Exploring Compliance: Observations from a Large Scale Fitbit Study” to SocialSens 2017 received a notification that it is accepted. The paper is a joint work across much of the collaborating faculty with the NetHealth study. Louis Faust served as the lead author and looked at the relationship of various aspects of compliance and the underlying factors with regards to compliance via various machine learning approaches. Nice work and congrats to Louis on a job well done!
L. Faust, R. Purta, D. Hachen, A. Striegel, C. Poellabauer, O. Lizardo, N. Chawla, “Exploring Compliance: Observations from a Large Scale Fitbit Study,” to appear in Proc. of SocialSens 2017 (workshop during IEEE CPS week), 2017. [SocialSens-Submit]