Happy Advent and Happy Feast of the Immaculate Conception!
As we continue to approach the Christmas season, I’m sure we all have gifts on our minds—what we want to receive and what we want to give to others. As meaningful as these presents are, it’s important for all of us to understand that we have already received the greatest gift: Jesus Christ. Through His Life, Suffering, Death, and Resurrection, we have been saved. We have been given the model for love and charity and, through the Eucharist, we are reminded of His unending love for us each time we approach the altar during Holy Mass.
As we continue through this Advent season, let us try to show this same love for others. Instead of worrying about what thing we should give others, let us give ourselves to them. Maybe we can offer a helping hand, a set of ears to listen, or simply our presence. Either way, let’s not worry about what gifts we should buy others. Instead, let’s remember that we’ve already received the greatest of all gifts and that we should try our best to model His love in all that we do. What matters is not the presents we give, but the love that we are willing to show.
God Bless and Go Irish!
Matt Hansen ’25