Keenan Hall Council

2024 – 2025

The Hall Council will be led by its President (Jordan Lam ’26) and Vice Presidents (Andrew Huffman ’26 and Fitz Norris ’26). These officers are elected in late March/early April each academic year in accordance with the processes and procedures outlined by Notre Dame’s Hall President’s Council.

Weekly meetings of KHC are Tuesdays at 10 p.m. in the Keenan Kommons: all are encouraged to attend.

Kommittee Descriptions & Chairs

Athletic/Gym Committee: (Joe Colleran ’27) Works with Rec Sports to coordinate Keenan inter-hall teams, and with the RAs to coordinate section football and basketball. Plans new sporting events (golf on the quad, spring sports, etc.). Writes and sends out emails detailing times, matchups, etc., for section sports. Managing the gym. In charge of quarterly Keenan Max Days. Also has the responsibility to call people out in the slack for leaving weights on a bar. Replaces broken equipment and tries to convince people to be healthy. (Preferably benches at least 225).

Service/Dismas Committee: (Patrick Noonan ’27) Works primarily on coordinating weekly trips to Dismas House. Chairs will help coordinate all other Keenan service projects to involve our community with the larger South Bend community, including Great Pumpkin. Requires ~2 hours a week for service.

Apparel/Merch Committee: (Will Hausman ’27) Designs and sells all Keenan apparel, including the hall shirt, event shirts, and Welcome Weekend t-shirts. Must be drippy as a mf. Preferably will do two merch drops (FS and SS). Keenan wants likes its cool clothes.

Keenan Spirit Committee: (Silas Bahlibi ’26) In charge of getting as many people to KHC as possible, creating fun activities for after KHC (ex: various tests of physical ability, romantic ability, and gambling ability), and helping coordinate Battle for the Kastle, the Dillon Pep Rally, and the .5k. Also encouraged to coordinate the dorm for anything that involves knights, including hype for Bengal Bouts, Mr.ND, etc. The spirit committee will now also be in charge of planning dances and signature events (SYR, Formal, Muddy Sunday, Great Pumpkin, etc).

Greendot Committee: (Connor Mulligan ’27) X percent of the dorm (TBA) that is not trained needs to be. Also works with the GRC to promote healthy gender relations, especially through GreeNDot events.

Social Media/Outreach Committee: (Dean DiGuglielmo ’27) In charge of the Keenan Instagram and Keenan website. Responsibilities include creating the weekly Almost Friday, any posts for event announcements, and managing story takeovers. Also must be able to reconcile with any dorms I DM from the Keenan account. Give some ideas in the application that you could feasibly do/manage as well to make the Keenan account better. Responsible for connecting Keenan Hall with the greater Notre Dame community. Responsible for coordinating with alumni when relevant and planning Keenan JPW weekend events.

Keenan Programming Committee: (Kevin Kelley ’27 & Josh Dobashi ’26) This committee is in charge of programming all events related to diversity and inclusion, mental health and wellness, sustainability, and spirituality. This includes setting dates, planning the events, and executing them. They are also in charge of advertising the events and getting people to them. Pictures of events and notes must be recorded. Chair(s) is the head of all of this and determines which events occur and how.

Academic Committee: (Ted Heraty ’27 and Wyatt Fales ’27) This committee and its chairs are in charge of anything academic. They are responsible for connecting younger students with older ones in their major. They are also charged to create a plan to help students with registration including help navigating the actual website, advice on what classes to take, and help forming a curriculum that meets their major and minor requirements. They also are responsible with compiling a drive of notes and resources called “Keenan Notes” for every major and class that they can so that younger students have these resources available to them.