Modest money flow to aristocracy becomes extreme money flow to meritocracy

Modest money flow to aristocracy becomes extreme money flow to meritocracy

Prior to 1960 America’s large corporations were dominated by an aristocracy that in some ways resembled the old English nobility. In fact, prior to the American Revolution, the King of England granted land in America to certain elite families. Wealthy east coast families dominated in America for a lot longer than most people realize or are willing to admit. Legacy was the key to success.  It was legacy, not good grades, that got you accepted into elite colleges and universities. Before 1960 even an average grade of C in your prep school was not a problem in gaining admission to an elite university if your father, grandfather, uncle, or brother had attended.[1] 

( There is an old joke among economists that the most important decision you make in life is your choice of parents. You want to choose rich, well-educated parents. We like to think of America as the land of opportunity, but there is still a lot of work to do to create that level playing field. )

Graduating from Yale, Harvard, Princeton, or any of the other elite schools was sufficient for finding a reasonably well-paid executive job at a leading American corporation. The noblesse oblige rules among the early English settlers were simple: (1.) stay out of politics, (2.) keep your name out of the news (except for the social register), and (3.) don’t give yourself an oversized salary. When excessive wealth is not based on merit or hard work, memories of the French revolution can be poignant. We do not want to see the rope over the platform designed for the hanging of Vice-President Mike Pence on January 6 replaced by a guillotine. Most wealthy English settlers understood the need to avoid alienating the masses. 

Around 1960 Harvard James Bryant Conant led the way in introducing SAT and ACT scores into admission decisions. Scholarships were introduced to aid applicants to elite prep schools and colleges who were not from wealthy families.[2] Once ability and achievement potential became important and a geographical distribution preference was introduced to discriminate against certain high achieving non-WASP[3] ethnic and cultural groups from the New York City area and the Boston area, the entire nature of the ruling class changed. Discrimination was still present, but a new meritocracy of sorts was allowed to gradually take over. 

Business schools and law schools in general, and economics departments in particular, promoted the “greed is good” philosophy, where businesses competing with one another to produce better quality products at lower prices (Adam Smith’s invisible hand) was said to justify the single-minded pursuit of one’s own self-interest even if that ultimately led to resetting the rules (e.g., tax loopholes, etc.) to benefit the nouveau riche of the new meritocracy. In recent decades, increased efficiencies due to network effects and economies of scale have been used to justify the concentration of market power even when most of the gains have gone to profits.

Underpaid government lawyers were no match for the new business and legal elite whose ability and achievements resulted in an accumulation and concentration of wealth far greater than ever desired or achieved by the old aristocracy. Adam Smith’s left invisible hand has now been countered with increased economic power which serves as a right invisible hand to block entry and drive up profits, as competitive markets have been replaced by monopolistic and oligopolistic ones. Tariffs are used to block competition from abroad. Economies of scale, network effects, patient laws and first-mover advantage are among the many effective means of suppressing competition.

The new meritocratic elite re-rigged the rules in every sphere of life to their own advantage. Rather than lowering the bar for others to follow, they raised the bar to keep others out. This diverted the money flow away from most Americans and toward the top one percent wealthiest elite.[4] The new meritocracy worked in theory to raise all boats, but failed in practice, either because the new elite either didn’t understand the implications of their exclusionary tactics or chose to ignore them. Social mobility was suppressed, instead of enhanced, with fewer low socio-economic people able to break out of the middle-class trap. The new elite made sure to give their children the best possible education and the socio-economic connections needed to establish and maintain their comparative advantage.  Instead of improving upward socioeconomic mobility, the new meritocracy at best kept it from rising and at worst suppressed it even more than before. 

This money flow diversion was a very fundamental and a very important change in the US economy, starting around 1973.[5] Before 1973, labor productivity and wages were highly correlated. After 1973, labor productivity continued its rise, but real, inflation-adjusted, wages flattened out as rising revenues were siphoned off as profits. Such profits piled up in the financial markets as money flowed in a circular loop as stock buybacks, dividends, and interest payments, that the wealthy then just reinvested back into the financial markets where the accumulating pool of money drove interest rates ever lower. In this case, the velocity of money just meant the speed at which these dollars were traveling around and around in the financial markets as market speculators bought and sold new and exotic financial products at ever increasing rates. There has also been a dramatic drop in the number of publicly traded companies in recent decades that has dropped from around 7,000 firms to less than 4,000 firms today. This reduction in the supply of stocks has driven up their prices by the power of the law of supply and demand. See Petrou (2021) for more details on the widening wealth gap and its causes including the major role played by the Federal Reserve.[6] Also, see “The Lords of Easy Money” (Simon & Schuster 2022) by Christopher Leonard on how the Federal Reserve has undermined our economy by pumping too much money into the New York financial markets.

The changes in the money flow, that weakened aggregate demand were due in part to this change in the ruling class and part as a result of focusing on maximizing shareholder value (including profits from dividends and stock buybacks) by increasing financial capital (the value of stocks and bonds, etc.) at the expense of labor and real capital (physical and intellectual investments). For decades inflation ran rampant in the financial markets with little benefit in the real economy where productivity and real economic growth slowed.  For a deeper understanding of how over-rewarding passive investors is not justified either legally or operationally, read the book “The Shareholder Value Myth” (Berrett-Keehler Publishers, Inc. 2012) by Lynn Stout, the distinguished professor of corporate and business law at the Clarke Business Law Institute at Cornell Law School.

Simcha Barkai (2020)[7] calculated the capital costs for the US non-financial corporate sector over the period 1984 to 2014 and found that while labor’s share has dropped by 11 percent, the share of real capital has declined 22 percent. Neither labor nor real capital were rewarded, as most of the money flowed to pure profits. As the wealthy grew wealthier, the rest got by with an ever-increasing private debt burden, reinforced with an ever-greater federal debt burden, both being enabled and encouraged by low interest rates.

In the absence of adequate aggregate demand to employ all available American workers, politicians called for tariffs to block low-priced imports that compete with American products and take jobs away from Americans. The politicians have fallen for what economics call The Lump of Labor Fallacy where somehow there is a fixed number of jobs for the world to fight over. However, proper fiscal and monetary policies can increase or decrease the number of available jobs while tariffs just block competition and raise prices for everyone including elderly living on limited Social Security payments. A better approach is to redirect the money flow from Wall Street back to Main Street so that there would be enough consumer demand on Main Street to employ both international workers making products for Americans as well as all Americans who are willing and able to work at good wages. Trade can be and should be a win-win situation where everyone is made better off. Getting high quality, low-priced products from abroad should not in any way prevent Americans from getting good jobs that pay well. Tariffs are just an excuse for not properly addressing the money flow diversion from Main Street to Wall Street within the United States.

Blocking overseas competition is associated with a dramatic increase in industrial concentration where one-by-one competitive industries have been turning into duopolies or monopolistic competition where one firm or a handful of firms controls the market. Keynesian and Austrian economists recognized the inevitability of economic downturns, but the Austrians saw such downturns as a cleansing process where weak and inefficient firms were driven out of the market in what Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter called “creative” destruction, but with larger firms undercutting or buying up weaker ones should more accurately be called “competition” destruction. Firms that survive economic downturns are not necessarily more efficient, but just have more cash reserves to ride out a downturn. A popular and efficient local restaurant may not survive an economic downturn such as the one associated with the COVID-19 pandemic while a larger company with lots of cash on hand may be able to get away with running some aspects of its business inefficiently in both good times and bad. When Amazon started up, it ran in the red for an extended period without facing bankruptcy, because it had lots of cash on hand. Tepper and Hearn (2019) reveal the surprising number of noncompetitive industries and quasi-duopolies in the United States in their book The Myth of Capitalism which could have been more specifically titled The Myth of Competition.[8] 

For example, consider the market for eyeglasses. Glass and plastic should be very cheap. After all, we throw a lot of glass and plastic into recycling bins every week. But instead of two or three dollars, eyeglasses typically cost about one-hundred and thirty dollars or more. In reality eyeglass manufacturing is basically a duopoly with only two eyeglass manufacturers dominating the market. In the eyeglass market, Adam Smith’s first invisible hand of competition has been suppressed by Adam Smith’s second invisible hand of market power where he said: “People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the publick, or in some contrivance to raise prices.”

Government is often dismissed as inefficient, partly because it may have goals other than profit maximization, and also because, unlike private businesses, the government’s operations are subject to close public scrutiny such as under the Freedom of Information Act and the Open Meetings Act. But large businesses can be and often are even more inefficient than government. For example, Saluto Pizza started as a small pizza place in St. Joseph, Michigan. Its pizzas were so popular it started freezing them to sell to people to take home to reheat for consumption later. The frozen Saluto Pizzas became so popular that a frozen pizza manufacturing plant was created to produce them to sell to grocery chains around the nearby region. Their popularity was such that another factory for making the frozen Saluto Pizzas was created in Birmingham, Alabama. Then General Mills bought out Saluto Pizza. But following the financialization strategy of cutting costs, the Saluto Pizzas were then made with cheaper ingredients which made them unpopular. Before long the Saluto Pizza brand was discontinued. Such cost cutting and removal of unpopular products is then described as enforcing efficiency in private business, in contrast to alleged government waste and inefficiency. The executives who cut costs and cut out unprofitable products were probably rewarded and promoted. By contrast, so-called government “bureaucrats” who serve the public are seen as unproductive and wasting the taxpayer’s money. 

America thrives when entrepreneurs such as Steve Jobs and Elon Musk focus on creating new products. But productivity and economic growth are suppressed when companies focus on financialization by excessive cost cutting and shareholder payouts, instead of investing in new products that capture the imagination and desires of both their existing customers and potential new customers. When business fails to generate sufficient economic growth to employ the available workforce, government has to step in and increase the national debt using tax cuts and expenditures to generate enough demand for goods and services to avoid recessions.

John Locke’s original conception of gaining ownership of land and other forms of capital through the sweat equity of labor quickly reverted back to ownership of capital by an elite class (i.e., the nobility). Labor saving technologies such as automated vehicle production and mountaintop removal in coal extraction have dominated over labor augmenting technological change provided by computers generating a need for computer programmers or Amazon’s need for delivery drivers (soon to be replaced by driverless vehicles). Future economic prospects remain bleak for unskilled and semi-skilled labor. However, it is important to note that real capital has not won. As Simcha Barkai (2020) has revealed, the ultimate winner is profits (especially profits in the form of financial capital in the stock and bond markets). The shares of labor and real capital have declined significantly while that of profits has increased substantially.   

Today the huge pile up of wealth at the top of the wealth pyramid has flooded the financial markets with money and has driven interest rates down toward zero.  But this money has not primarily gone into productive investment in real capital, but instead has driven up stock and bond prices as alternatives to investment in the real economy. Why invest in improvements in real productivity when you can make a lot more money in the financial economy?  Ultimately the financialization of our economy has become a drag on productivity and not a catalyst for it.

[1] Brooks, David. Bobos in Paradise. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2000.

[2] At prep school and college reunions, it is interesting to note that the scholarship students are more likely to show up driving expensive, prestigious vehicles than their former classmates from wealthier families, who were taught to hide their wealth to some degree, or at least not flaunt their wealth publicly.

[3] WASP = White Anglo-Saxon Protestant.

[4] Brill, Steven. Tailspin: The People and Forces Behind America’s Fifty-Year Fall — And Those Trying to Reverse It. New York: Alfred F. Knopf, 2018. 

[5] Data from Economic Policy Institute:

[6] Petrou, Karen. Engine of Inequality: The Fed and the Future of Wealth in America. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2021.

[7] Barkai, Simcha. “Declining Labor and Capital Shares,” Journal of Finance, 2020, vol. 75, issue 5, pp. 2421-2463.

[8] Tepper, Jonathan with Denise Hearn. The Myth of Capitalism: Monopolies and the Death of Competition. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2019. 

Are CEOs and their golf buddies suppressing innovation and productivity in their effort to maximize shareholder value?

My father was a Wall Street investment banker in the 1950s and 1960s. His industries included steel, aluminum, automotive, and grocery-store chains. He was paid partially on the basis of his investment recommendations, regardless as to whether the investment committee accepted them or not. If his recommendations did well, he did well. He worked hard and often spent evenings and weekends with his long, yellow, legal pads working out mathematical calculations. Computers were not widely available back then. He earned a modest, but comfortable salary, that enabled him to send me in third grade and my sister off to summer camp and boarding school (and later to college and graduate school) when my mother came down with tuberculosis.

I learned to set my limit orders and stop-loss orders as the stock market opened and to expect a reasonable return on my investments. Back then, Wall Street was not a gambling casino. People were rewarded for their creativity, innovation and productivity. Unions represented 35 percent of the labor force. As output per labor hour rose with the introduction of automation, the real wages of employees rose correspondingly. Hard work paid off. The agency of employees as the heart and soul of a business was recognized. Their initiatives in improving product development, production, marketing, sales, and distribution were rewarded. Adam Smith’s invisible hand of competition seemed to be working well in producing better quality products at ever lower prices.

However, starting as early as the mid-1970s, the behavior of many corporations began to change. The “we’re all in this together” attitude coming out of World War II began to dissipate. Some firms began to treat employees as just another factor input like steel or plastic, as if they had no agency. The performance of the exceptions to this rule were striking. The employee-owned construction company Burns & McDonnell in Kansas City grew over the years from a small, local company to a nation-wide and, ultimately, a world-wide construction company. It was entirely employee owned. Its amazing success has been recounted by former B&M CEO Greg Graves in his recent book: “Create Amazing.”

Warren Buffett and others have noted the limited scope of understanding of some corporate boards of the company’s operations. Often board members get most, if not all, of their information about company operations from the CEO. Based on his experience on corporate boards, Steven Clifford has written the book: “The CEO Pay Machine” where he implies that board members are often basically the CEOs golf buddies. CEOs often serve on each other’s corporate boards. They may feel obligated to maximize the CEO’s compensation in return for his vote on their board to maximize theirs. Before 1982, stock buybacks were considered insider trading and were illegal. Starting in 1982 the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) began allowing stock buybacks, which are now frequently used to jack up the stock price at the corporate board’s discretion in controlling the amount and timing of such buybacks.

Following President Reagan’s firing of the 11,000 striking air traffic controllers and temporarily replacing them with military air traffic controllers on August 5, 1981 and barring them from ever working again for the federal government under the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947, unions began to lose their clout and have now dropped to less than 10 percent of the overall labor force, including just 6 percent of the private (non-government) labor force. Meanwhile, industries throughout the United States have become increasingly concentrated. Denise Hearn and Jonathan Tepper have carefully documented this rise in industrial concentration in their book: “The Myth of Capitalism,” which perhaps should have been titled: “The Myth of Competition.” Jan Eeckhout followed this with the book: “The Profit Paradox,” which documents the dramatic rise in market power both nationally and internationally. Patents have been extended way beyond the period needed to recoup the costs of investment. Patent trolls create nothing but file patents on some company’s unpatented processes and products to get them to settle out of court to avoid expensive court battles. Government regulations have been subject to regulatory capture where regulators develop close relationships with companies that are then able to twist regulations to block entry to their industry.

The collapse of anti-trust and effective market oversight has been rationalized on the basis on lower prices through economies of scale and network effects. While prices have fallen somewhat, they have not fallen as much as they would have in markets where corporate market power was not so strong. In effect, the benefits of economies of scale and network effects have been countered to a great extent by what might be called Adam Smith’s second invisible hand. Some free market enthusiasts have conveniently forgotten that Adam Smith said: “People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the publick (sic), or in some contrivance to raise prices.” While Smith’s first invisible hand of competition lowers prices, his second invisible hand of collusion raises prices (or at least limits their fall under economies of scale).

I did not fully understand or appreciate the effect of market power until I read Simcha Barkai’s article “Declining Labor and Capital Shares” in The Journal of Finance (no. 75, issue 5, 2020). Barkai noted that over the period 1984 to 2014, while labor’s share of revenues dropped by 11 percent, the share of real capital dropped by 22 percent. It was only then that I realized that the money flowing to Wall Street was not primarily going into new investments in plant and equipment, but was being retained as profits and used primarily for dividends and share buybacks. Efforts to improve productivity through innovation has largely been replaced with financialization where cutting costs (including a drop in employee compensation in real terms) has taken precedent over efforts to create new and exciting products to grow the company. As a result, gross domestic product (GDP) has typically grown less than 2 percent a year, while the stock market has averaged an annual growth rate of about 10 percent in recent decades. Corporate boards are diverting money away from innovation, employee compensation, and better quality at lower prices for customers, in favor of maximizing shareholder value (as well as maximizing CEO and upper management pay).

Given all this, I should not have been surprised when an investment I had made back in the 1990s gave me a 7,000 percent return. I had forgotten about this investment and did absolutely nothing to help the company, other than loan them a bit of money. I thought that free enterprise was all about rewarding hard work and creativity. Why was so much of the money going to me? Oh, but the risk, the risk!!! Please, give me a break, what was I supposed to do with this extra money, other than invest it? Was the alternative for me to take the money home and hide it in my mattress? Sure, give me a decent return, but stop this insanity. A 7,000 percent return is way over the top. The rise in market power and the maximization of shareholder value is stifling our economy and hurting our country. Much of this money should have gone as incentives for rewarding employees for their creativity and hard work. Some should have allowed for providing customers with better quality products at lower prices as promised under Adam Smith’s first invisible hand.

Proposing solutions for all of these problems is way beyond the scope of this commentary. Clearly, government anti-trust procedures and the role of government regulators needs to be reexamined. However, I recommend a couple of simple solutions in the commentary below.

First of all, Germany has led the way in solving the problem of empowering and incentivizing employees in improving the productivity of their companies. In addition to work councils, Germany requires employee representation on corporate boards. We could greatly improve the performance of our companies while enhancing the compensation of employees and benefiting from their knowledge of company operations by requiring that 40 percent of all corporate board members be elected by rank and file employees. For larger companies, such representation could be distributed throughout the company by areas of operation such as representation from product development, production, sales, marketing, and distribution.

Finally, I recommend that the SEC rules be changed to require that all stock purchased in a company’s stock buybacks be distributed to the company’s employees based on their hard work, productivity, and tenure. This would block the manipulation of the stock’s market price and give employees more of a stake in the company. It would also help transform companies from a simple authoritarian command structure into more of a team of players focused on growing the company over the longer term.

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