August 2012 Stats

August stats greet us with the return of students to campus (August 21 was the first day of classes) and with them their mobile devices. And in this years case, it appears to be iPhone’s. The mobile site saw an increase of 16% for iPhone’s in August and a 13% drop in Windows mobile.

Update: I pulled the graph for the browser stats. We conducted a load test last month which has been adjusted in the numbers, but the graph was not accurate. Sorry for the confusion. Continue reading “August 2012 Stats”

July 2012 Stats

July was a fairly quiet month with one exception. The Windows platform on went up 9% for a total of 18% traffic. Last month it climbed 4%. That’s not a shabby two month increase for our friends in Redmond.

Traffic stats

  • 721,733 views by 203,814 people


  • IE 38%
    • IE9 21%
    • IE8 12%
    • IE7 5%
  • Safari 28%
  • Firefox 17%
  • Chrome 15%


  • Windows 64%
  • Mac 25%
  • iPhone 4%
  • iPad 3%
  • Android 2%

Traffic Stats

  • 27,291 views by 3,396 people
  • Top Content
    • Map
    • Athletics
    • Webcams
    • News
    • Food


  • iPhone 41% (+4%)
  • Android 32%
  • Windows 18% (+9%)
  • BlackBerry 2%
  • iPod 1%
  • iPad 3%


  • 284 live sites (+9)


  • 2,136,764 views by 444,517 people


Conductor stats

  • IE 32%
    • IE9 16%
    • IE8 11%
    • IE7 4%
  • Safari 26%
  • Chrome 22%
  • Firefox 18%


  • Windows 62%
  • Mac 26%
  • iPad 5%
  • iPhone 4%
  • Android 2%

Stats are from by Github and Google Analytics.

June 2012 Stats

This month’s stats showed an overall drop in traffic (school’s out for summer). The biggest jumps this month were for where iPhone traffic dropped by 9% (-3% drop for iOS overall) and Windows traffic went up 4%.


  • 679,9634 views by 188,925 people


  • IE 37% (-4%)
    • IE9 20%
    • IE8 12%
    • IE7 5%
  • Safari 30% (+3%)
  • Firefox 18%
  • Chrome 15%


This month, Windows dropped 2% and all three mobile stats noted increased slightly.

  • Windows 63% (-2%)
  • Mac 24%
  • iPhone 5% (+2%)
  • iPad 4%
  • Android 3%


  • 24,275 views by 2,843 people
  • Top Content
    • Athletics
    • News
    • Webcams
    • Map
    • People


  • iPhone 37% (-9%)
  • Android 35%
  • Windows 9% (+4%)
  • BlackBerry 4%
  • iPod 8% (+4%)
  • iPad 1% (-2%)


  • 275 live sites (+5)


  • 2,020,942 views by 417,645 people


  • IE 31%
    • IE9 15%
    • IE8 11%
    • IE7 4%
  • Safari 25% (-2%)
  • Chrome 23% (+2%)
  • Firefox 20%


  • Windows 63% (+2%)
  • Mac 25% (-2%)
  • iPad 5%
  • iPhone 4%
  • Android 2%

Stats are from by Github and Google Analytics.

Mobile Tour Locations

Mobile TourSomething that has bothered us since the beginning of the redesign was the fact that the large feature images displayed on tablet/desktop devices did not have a similar feature for mobiles. We chose not to include it in the mobile experience because the idea of showing large feature images didn’t translate well to the mobile experience. In an attempt to maintain feature parity, we have been working on ways to bring the tour locations as presented on desktops to mobiles, but to do so in a way that lends itself to the strengths of mobile devices.

To that end, we just released a beta feature for your testing pleasure. If you visit on a mobile device, you will see a button labeled “Campus Tour Locations”. Tapping that button will result in one of two scenarios.

You are currently off campus and/or deny to share your location

This will result in two random tour locations being displayed with the options to show the location on and to view more information.

You are currently on campus AND approve the sharing of your location

This will result in the display of the two tour locations that are nearest to your current location. You will also be provided with information showing which direction and how far. Also included are options for more information and walking directions. The feature will be limited by the accuracy of your device and the location it provides us.

Next Steps

We will continue to improve on this feature over the coming months. Of particular concern is that on occasion, especially when on wifi, your location may be placed far from where you really are on campus (the network seems to like placing people at Geddes Hall whether they’re there or not). We’ll be looking for ways to improve on this behavior. If you have any issues or have specific feedback on the feature, please let us know.