Gabby Andrino and Diana Mora Gimenez have just started this fall 2024. Welcome!!

Biofilm Research
Gabby Andrino and Diana Mora Gimenez have just started this fall 2024. Welcome!!
This modelling conference gathered academics, engineering experts, and scientists specializing in modeling wastewater treatment processes from all around the world!
April 6 – 10, 2024
Yanina received her PhD this past April 3rd. Her dissertation was titled “Effect of Low-frequency Ultrasound on Antibiotic Susceptibility of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilms”
Congratulations, Yanina!
Many of former and current members of the group gathered at Cloud’s Walking Cafe in South Bend to chat and enjoy a warm coffee. We caught up on each other’s lives, chatted about what’s next, and laughed over some hilarious lab memories!
It was truly special to see multiple generations of the ‘Nerenberg Lab’ come together in one place!
It was held in Dallas, Texas, between November 5-9.
He presented his work on water quality on shower hoses from chlorinated an non-chlorinated premise plumbing systems. Great job, Isaiah!
More info about this AWWA conference here
One of our projects was selected by the NBC group “What Would You Fight For?” and they came to film our group in action!
The video was shown on the field during the game day of Notre Dame Vs. Ireland
Here are some behind the scene pictures!!
Click here to enjoy the video!
We hosted our second Biofilm Course this past July 16-20!
Many participants attended, both from the US and even from abroad!
We went over biofilm microprofilling, from building microsensors to making some oxygen profiles. Also learnt about Biofilm modeling with AQUASIM and COMSOL and went over different types of biofilm reactors and how/when to use each of them. Biofilm imaging was also part of the course, including Confocal and EPI microscopes, and Optical Coherence Tomography.
We had wonderful lecturers: Christian Picioreanu, Erika Espinoa-Ortiz, Caitlin Proctor, Sara Cole, Ignacio Vargas, Marcerlo Aybar, Bumkyu Kim, and Rob Nerenberg.
Thank you all for coming!
Emily Clements defended her dissertation entitled “Effect of Demand Stochasticity on Microbial Quality of Premise Plumbing Systems.” Committee members included Caitlin Proctor of Purdue University, Kyle Doudrick, Kyle Bibby, and Rob Nerenberg. She did an outstanding job!
This 4th of July was a great opportunity to also celebrate the summer and welcome new members and visiting students!
Zoe Dumphy, a PhD student from Trinity College Dublin, came to visit us and learn new ways to grow biofilms under flow.
We also welcomed Fran and Cason as new grad students!!
Our group attended the conference on May 23-24, 2023 at the University of Michigan!
We showed our research on several posters and an oral presentation.