

May 14

Nallathamby Lab Presents Novel Antibacterial and Novel Chemotherapeutics Work at MRS 2022 Spring Meeting (May 8-13, 2022| Honolulu, Hawai’i)

Excited to have been part of an esteemed group of pioneers in the field of antibacterials. We presented our work as part of SF16- Advanced Materials for Antibacterial, Antiviral, Antifungal Applications- from Micro to Nano. We also presented in the novel chemotherapeutic session.

Our research looks at the basic mechanism of drug resistance in bacteria or cancer cells and then we work on translational solutions to combat these problems. Our approach felt validated at this meeting where we networked with industry end-users as well as disease-on-a chip modeling academicians.

  1. Oral presentation from my group at MRS SPRING 2022. 4:45 PM – SF16.06.06 Biomimetic Phage Mimicking Antimicrobial Nanoparticles for Antibiotic Free, Bactericidal Action Against the Multi-Drug Resistant ESKAPE Class of Pathogens J. Hopf,M. Waters,J. Olesk,V. Kalwajtys,S.Lee and P.D.Nallathamby
  2. Presented the poster on our novel nanocarriers for label free targeting of metastatic cancer cells at MRS 2022 spring meeting. . Poster ID: SB07.03.19. Title: Neutralizing the Systemic Toxicity of Co-Formulations of Chemotherapeuitcs Using Magneto-Electric Silica Nanocarriers for Specific Therapeutic Action Against Metastatic Cancer Cells May 9, 2022 at 5:00 PM. Hawai’i Convention Center, Level 1, Kamehameha Exhibit Hall