As You Like It – Actors Blog #1

Hello and welcome to the AFTLS As You Like It 2014 blog!

I’m writing this somewhere above the Atlantic, two and a half movies into our flight. I can’t get in to Elysium somehow, mainly because I can’t hear it very well above the engines (stop mumbling Matt Damon). There are now 3 hours 15 min left until we land in Chicago and commence our 11 weeks State-side. We’ve all been warned (a lot) about the freezing weather, so last night was spent packing and re-packing to try and get enough winter clothes into my suitcase without going over the weight limit. I tried to explain this to Mike (a Banker from Chicago) who is sitting next to me on the plane…

“I couldn’t decide how many jumpers to bring” I said. He had no idea what I was referring to and later confessed that he suspected I might be referring to under-wear (so much for British reserve!). I set him right. Jumpers…sweaters…for the record I have packed 4.

View of Greenland out of plane window

Greenland is white…and so is Chicago, South Bend and the rest of the US.

“Let’s away and get our jewels and wealth together” says Celia at the start of her and Rosalind’s journey to Arden. Though later Touchstone says she has ‘no money in her purse’. I’m just mulling these lines over now as I think about packing (!). Does she just take some gold jewellery to the forest I wonder, not any actual currency that will enable her to pay for things?

“I pray you, one of you question yond man, if he for gold will give us any food” she says in Act 2, nearly faint with hunger. Those things that are precious in the court don’t work so well as currency in the forest when she just needs food to live on. But of course she learns on the way. She escapes her father’s ‘rough and envious disposition, buys a sheepcote and defines herself on her own terms.

All the characters that journey to Arden a changed by it. For me, As You Like It is a play about identity and transformation. The forest becomes a sort of blank canvas in which characters re-imagine themselves.

While none of the cast are fleeing tyrannical Dukes, fathers, uncles or brothers (to my knowledge!) we are certainly on a journey; both literally, as we tour the USA, but also metaphorically, with the play itself. When we stated rehearsals on the 30th December we had a blank canvas on which our play has slowly emerged. To a certain extent, this will be true at each performance too. In a play where philosophy and ideas are as important as plot and characters are disguised and transformed, the language becomes all the more integral to the evolving of story.
But that’s enough on philosophy for now…on to a bit of trivia. Can you match the cast member to the essential travel item I wonder…?
Cast of As You Like It essential travel items:
– A sewing kit
– An Ipad
– A bottle of Jameson’s Irish Whisky
– A box of English tea
– A pair of pajamas

(Aaron Update: For those of you wondering, the London actors arrived safely on campus, albeit vortexed. Their first preview went well, and we’re excited to see the first public performance on Wednesday, Feb. 5.)

Announcing the 15th Anniversary Season of the Notre Dame Shakespeare Festival!

This 15th season is also the 150th anniversary of the first Shakespeare play ever performed at the University and the 450th anniversary of Shakespeare’s birth. We look forward commemorating this momentous convergence of events with the following:

 ShakeScenesJuly 19 & 20, 2014

Young Company | The Merry Wives of WindsorJuly & August, 2014

 Professional Company | Henry IVAugust 19–31, 2014

 Actors From The London Stage | Much Ado About NothingSeptember 17–19, 2014

Explore the power and imagination of Shakespeare’s works, and celebrate a century and a half of the playwright’s influence here at Notre Dame. Join us for the 15th anniversary season of the Notre Dame Shakespeare Festival.

2014 Notre Dame Shakespeare Festival Season

2014 Notre Dame Shakespeare Festival Season

Othello Tour Update

ALamo More Jack Jacks Birthday Wellesley-2



Well we had a fantastic week in San Antonio, I had some great classes, including one on Chaucer’s Parliament of Fowls – after some speedy research, it ended up being great fun, the whole class were up on their feet playing various, debating birds! I have to say their squawking was more coherent than some Parliaments I can think of!!
We also had a cast birthday – Jack celebrated his 24th, 32nd or maybe it was his 50th I’m not quite sure, so many numbers were thrown around! We planned and executed a surprise party which was a surprise,  he didn’t realise anything was going on until he knocked on Richard’s door for ‘the academic meeting’ and had to wait ages to be let in, as we all ran round trying to light candles, put on party hats and generally whisper a little bit too loudly for the game not to be up! We partied hard that night but did manage to have our academic meeting too!
We also managed to sell out on Saturday night for the 1st time in 5 years, a little amble along the river walk and a trip to the Alamo on Sunday finishing the week with some sight seeing – who could ask for more!
Up early on Monday morning for flights to Boston and then here we are in Wellesley – the most beautiful campus I have ever seen.

San Antonio

San Antonio RiverwalkHere we are in San Antonio, the 90 degree heat hasn’t slowed us down and we have had a great audience reaction to the show, I would like to say a special hello to Drew and his mum, who came to chat with us after last nights show. It was his first ever Shakespeare play and he loved it, I asked him if he understood it all and he was very honest and said not all of it, but that he was with us the whole way through! What more can we ask! Here’s to Drew!!!

That Town That Won’t Let You Down

ChicagoA little catch up – we had the most fantastic weekend – I for one am madly in love with Chicago! We travelled there in style – after a great show, we got into our Limo! – we had bought a few supplies for the journey, and so the party weekend started as we left Notre Dame on route for Chicago.
The whole weekend was great fun, and we managed to see a bit of the city, including an architectural boat trip along the river, art Museums, Millenium Park with it’s ‘Bean’ and Jun Kaneko Sculptures, a trip to Boys Town and to Shaw’s Crab House – we were spoilt rotten! I also think a spot of shopping was done, but we shall keep the names of the ‘over – participants’ secret to protect their modesty!!
On Monday morning, we set off to the airport, for the next part of our trip. Unfortunately the flight was delayed for an hour so we saw slightly more of the airport than we would have liked but eventually arrived in San Antonio Texas…….Chicago