[March 4th, 2020] Our Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science degree is now officially live with the website and press release.
The degree is housed in the College of Arts & Letters and brings a rigorous foundation of Computer Science with the flexibility to explore a cognate of interest in the College of Arts & Letters. I am humbled to serve as the first program director for the BACS and look forward to a very exciting initial round of applications to the program for this first cohort that will graduate in 2023. Many thanks to my esteemed colleagues on the steering committee including Maureen Dawson, Mim Thomas, Thomas Mustillo, Jim Brockmole, Shreya Kumar, and Walter Scheirer. Special thanks in particular to my esteemed department chair Pat Flynn who drove this through to reality along with the wonderful support of the Dean of Arts & Letters, Sarah Mustillo. Looking forward to seeing lots of vibrant young faces over spending more time in O’Shaughnessy at the CAPO office.