
Major Grant Award for $7.9M

[September 7, 2017] Under the direction of ND CSE Profs. Aaron Striegel (PI), Nitesh Chawla (co-PI), and Dong Wang (Senior Personnel), the University of Notre Dame has been awarded a $7.9M contract from the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Agency (IARPA). The research will involve advances in data fusion from wearables, smartphones, and social media to better understand performance in cognitively demanding workplaces. The work will involve instrumenting 750 working professionals over an entire year to create a landmark dataset for studying the myriad of factors that impact workplace performance.

Coming back soon from Dublin

My apologies to those whose e-mail got a bit delayed.  I will be back to the US with a slated return for July 1st and things getting back in full gear on the 5th.  Feel free to drop me a note at the office starting on the 5th and expect my response time to speed up significantly.

A huge thanks to the Dublin Summer Program staff which are simply amazing.  Teaching over here in Ireland has been grand and it has been a phenomenal experience.  Bit hectic with accreditation and spinning up a large grant but the scenery, people, and the craic are simply amazing.  Over far too soon but look for some fantastic picture once I have a chance to download everything across the various cameras I have been taking pictures with.

Paper: Discovering Places of Interest Using Sensor Data from Smartphones and Wearables

(May 10, 2017) Congrats to Chris Poellabauer’s student Sudip Vhaduri who led the efforts on a NetSense-based full paper for IEEE UIC (IEEE Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing 2017).  The paper entitled “Discovering Places of Interest Using Sensor Data from Smartphones and Wearables” focuses on location clustering and leveraging nearby devices for improved location information.  The paper draws from our past NetSense work using Bluetooth, WiFi, and GPS data.  A nice work top off a fantastic PhD proposal earlier in the week by Sudip.

S. Vhaduri, C. Poellabauer, A. Striegel, O. Lizardo and D. Hachen, “Discovering Places of Interest Using Sensor Data from Smartphones and Wearables,” to appear in Proc. of IEEE UIC (Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing), 2017.