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The following entry from the 2013-2014 Teaching Issues Writing Consortium: Teaching Tips was contributed by Claudia J. Stanny, Ph.D., Director, Center for University Teaching, Learning, and Assessment, University of West Florida. ————————————————————————————————————– A “flipped” class requires students to read assigned materials and complete other assigned work that prepares them to apply new learning during in-class activities that promote […]

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This Friday, James M. Lang (Assumption College) will be on campus to discuss his recent book Cheating Lessons: Learning from Academic Dishonesty (Harvard University Press, 2013). In his book, Dr. Lang outlines how our current academic environment can unintentionally incentivize cheating and suggests ways to overcome this while encouraging student learning. For more information, check out this recent interview with Dr. […]

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Highlights from the Preparing for the Academic Job Market Series The Kaneb Center in collaboration with the Graduate School Professional Development Team recently offered the Preparing for the Academic Job Market Series.  Below are a few highlights from the series, just in case you could not attend.   Preparing for the Academic Job Market I: […]

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Mid-Semester Student Feedback

Gathering early-semester or mid-semester student feedback allows instructors to gauge what is working well in the course and determine what adjustments might need to be made.  There are several reasons for incorporating early-semester feedback into your course design and plan:  The information can be used to make changes during the current course. Students feel empowered […]

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The article “How People Learn” from The Week explores Carl Wieman’s ideas about how to improve learning.

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On Tuesday, April 16, the Kaneb Center and the Graduate School held their annual awards dinner to honor the 2013 Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award winners.  This award honors graduate student instructors and TAs whose teaching demonstrates excellence in the classroom or laboratory.  Chris Maziar, acting dean of the Graduate School, and Kevin Barry, director […]

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The ability of a student to become a self-directed learner relies on the development of their metacognitive skills, or the ability to reflect and assess their own learning and thinking.   Ambrose et al. 2010 states “to become self-directed learners, students must learn to assess the demands of the task, evaluate their own knowledge and skills, […]

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The Kaneb Center for Teaching and Learning seeks graduate students with Notre Dame teaching experience to serve as Kaneb Center Graduate Associates for the 2013-2014 academic year.  Kaneb graduate associates facilitate workshops on effective teaching, develop teaching resources, and contribute to other activities to help graduate students develop as teachers. Graduate associates will receive training […]

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Are you interested in learning more about discipline-specific teaching and learning in the university setting? The university offers short credit-bearing summer graduate courses on university teaching and learning in various fields!  Consider taking one of this year’s courses: GRED 60612: Effective and Exciting Teaching in Social Sciences and Humanities GRED 60640: Designing and Teaching Your […]

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The following entry from the 2012-2013 Teaching Issues Writing Consortium: Teaching Tips was contributed by Michaella Hammond, Assistant Director for Instructional Design, Saint Louis University. ————————————————————————————————————– Teaching writing online may seem intuitive for many faculty given all of the writing that actually happens in online courses – discussion boards, peer-review projects, research papers, and more. […]

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