Webinar Series

The NSF RCN webinars on wastewater-based epidemiology are the first Friday of every month from 8-9 AM Pacific time. If there is someone you would like to nominate to present at the monthly webinar, please fill out this form.

Upcoming Webinars

NSF RCN Webinar #38: 4 October 2024 8:00 AM Pacific Time

Speaker 1: Judith Wong, Director of Microbiology and Molecular Epidemiology Division, Environmental Health Institute, Singapore, “Wastewater Surveillance for Public Health in Singapore”

Speaker 2: Elke Wollants, Laboratory Manager at the Rega Institute of the KU Leuven, Belgium, “Flush and find: measles down the drain”

To join the webinar, please use the following link: https://stanford.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_1Sj9WkRcSv2AEz9_G8gUZQ#/registration

NSF RCN Webinar #39: 1 November 2024 8:00 AM Pacific Time

Speaker 1: Adrian Lison, Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, “Estimating transmission dynamics from wastewater measurements with Bayesian generative modeling”

Speaker 2: David Dreifuss, Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering, ETH Zurich, Basel, Switzerland, “Modelling the competition between viral variants from wastewater genomic data”

To join the webinar, please use the following link: https://stanford.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_1Sj9WkRcSv2AEz9_G8gUZQ#/registration

NSF RCN Webinar #40: 6 December 2024 8:00 AM Pacific Time

Speaker 1: Liang Zhao, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Michigan State University. “Tracking sexually transmitted infections in the Detroit metro area by molecular analysis of environmental sample”

Speaker 2: Anthony William Maresso, Baylor College of Medicine and/or Eric Boerwinkle, UTHealth Houston School of Public Health, “Exploration of the Human Wastewater Virome”

To join the webinar, please use the following link: https://stanford.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_1Sj9WkRcSv2AEz9_G8gUZQ#/registration