The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall is certainly one of China’s most recognizable symbols. The wall began construction under Emperor Qin Shi Huang originally meant to prevent barbarian nomads from entering China. The wall now stands as a representation of China’s strength and is still recognized as one of the most impressive architectural feats in history.

The best-known section of the Great Wall is Badaling, which attracts thousands of tourists every day. In our trip however, we visited Mutianyu. Mutianyu was much less busy so we were able to enjoy the beautiful scenery. 









The Great Wall has since also had additions for the sake of visitors. We were able to take a ski lift up to the wall and simultaneously enjoy an amazing view of the mountains. Furthermore, we were able to toboggan down from the wall and experience the mountains from a closer distance.

The Great Wall certainly remains to be a place that all tourists should visit if given the opportunity!