Nguyen, Dung



Name: Dung Nguyen


Language: Japanese

Location of Study: Tokyo, Japan

Program of Study: International Christian University

Sponsors: Center for the Study of Languages and Cultures and the Liu Institute for Asia and Asian Studies

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A brief personal bio:

My name is Dung Nguyen, currently a junior from Tucson, Arizona. I’m majoring in Science Preprofessional and Supplementary Japanese, which combines both of my passion for science and languages. I have always wanted to take Japanese, but never had the chance to do so until my freshman year at Notre Dame, as of now I am finishing my second year of the language. I love to read, volunteer, watch romantic movies, and eat delicious food. One day I would like to volunteer and/or live in Japan for a part of my life.

Why this summer language abroad opportunity is important to me:

The SLA Grant will allow me to attend the International Christian University Summer Course, which is a Japanese language course that will allow me to further and culminate my study of Japanese in a native environment. I believe that increasing my language skills is an important skill set for practical reasons and for any profession, but especially with a healthcare profession as my future career goal. Studying Japanese could help me learn how to communicate more efficiently, to expand my worldview, and to empathize with others who may have a different experience or perspective than I do, all of which will enable me to grow as a person and a professional. The grant would also enable me to advance to a higher level of comprehension of Japanese, and a better mastery of a language that I love.

What I hope to achieve as a result of this summer study abroad experience:

After this summer study abroad experience in Japan, I believe my studies and interactions in a local setting will improve my overall Japanese skills, perhaps most noticeably in my speaking and listening. I hope to increase my Japanese to such an extent that I could have interesting and meaningful conversations with local and fellow students, exchange ideas, and make connections. This experience will challenge me in many ways to stretch myself as an independent traveler, to enhance my problem-solving skills, to experience new customs, to be flexible, and to acclimate myself to a change in an environment that might not be familiar to me.

My specific learning goals for language and intercultural learning this summer:

1. By the end of the summer study abroad, I will be able to advance to a year further in my Japanese language coursework at Notre Dame.
2. By the end of the program, I will be able to converse more naturally in Japanese with others and be able to express my view about more complicated subjects.
3. By the end of the summer, I will be able to read more advanced materials in Japanese, such as short narratives and simple novels.

My plan for maximizing my international language learning experience: