I would be remiss if I didn’t talk about all the amazing food I have had the opportunity to eat in Ireland! My bean an tí, Lucy, is an incredible cook. We have been treated to all kinds of food over the past few weeks but I have especially loved the meals that are authentically Irish. Within breakfast alone, I cannot express how much I love the brown bread. It sounds so simple but it is the most delicious toast I have ever had. I would eat it for every meal if I could! The delicious bread paired with the fresh butter is an unbeatable breakfast. I can’t go back to American butter! For dinner, Lucy has served the most delicious Irish lamb stew and there are always endless potatoes. I have eaten more potatoes in the last four weeks than in the last 19 years of my life! Oh, but they are so good! The stew has lamb, carrots, onion, parsnips, potatoes, and all kinds of spices. I am going to make her write it down before I leave! Tonight, Lucy made us some traditional blood sausage with potatoes. I am going to miss her and her food so much! At the very least, I will be bringing back tea culture to the United States. Having a “cupán tae” midmorning has become one of my favorite routines. Apparently, it is very important to let the tea brew for a while rather than just boiling water. I have been scolded (playfully) for making my tea too weak!

We also got the chance to visit the Cliffs of Moher this weekend! I have dreamed of going to the cliffs for years so I was very excited. They did not disappoint in the slightest. The color of the water when the waves crashed against the rocks was stunning. The green and brown of the cliffs next to the blue of the sky was unbelievable. I couldn’t get over the sheer size and scale of them. There was definitely an element of fear there though! It would’ve been so easy to go over the edge. Some people were very bold in their search for the perfect photo-I thought a father and son were going to fall off! The beauty of the scene far outweighed my fear. The weather wasn’t bad; there were only a few clouds. I have found that Ireland is beautiful whether it is raining or sunny. I hope I can make it back to the cliffs on a sunny day!

Going to places like the cliffs reminds me how incredibly blessed I am to be here. I have learned so much about this country and these people, gotten to see the most beautiful sights, and made friends that I will keep for the rest of my life. I can’t thank everyone enough for helping get here!