[January 16th, 2020] Very good news for my student Gonzalo Martinez and post-doc Steve Mattingly who had their papers accepted for WristSense 2020.
- The first paper entitled “Improved Sleep Detection Through the Fusion of Phone Agent and Wearable Data Streams” focuses on the extent to which phone agent data, specifically the screen on / off state, impacts the accuracy of time to bed and wake time as observed by the wearable.
- The second paper entitled “On the Quality of Real-world Wearable Data in a Longitudinal Study of Information Workers” explores the quality of wearable data in terms of data consistency, interruptions / missing data, and charging behavior from the Garmin vivoSmart 3.
Both of these efforts are drawn from our data for Tesserae with one presented by Gonzalo and the other presented by Steve at the WristSense workshop at IEEE PerCom this year. Congrats again to Gonzalo and Steve on a job well done in driving these papers!