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English Pronunciation Strategies and Techniques

Even when you use a word correctly, your audience may not understand you if you mispronounce it.  Check out the PPT slides for strategies, techniques, and resources for improving your English pronunciation.

Remember that you can schedule a tutoring appointment with an EAP fellow to work on your specific pronunciation difficulties.  Go to cslc.nd.edu, and click on “Reservations.”

English Pronunciation Strategies and Techniques

Interviewing and Networking Strategies for International Students

Finding a job or internship can be a confusing and challenging process.  While employers may be looking for applicants with diverse experience and the ability to speak more than one language, searching for a position as an international student can involve additional challenges.

Check out the PowerPoint slides for tips on preparing for an interview (including basics like what to wear!), succeeding at the interview, and following up with a short and personalized  thank you note.  I have also included information on two helpful resources for navigating different cultural expectations in the interview setting.

If you are preparing for an internship or job interview, remember that you can make an appointment for a practice interview with an EAP fellow.  Just sign up for a tutoring time on the CSLC website.

Interviewing and Networking Strategies PPT

US Classroom Culture: Dealing with Difficult Situations as a TA

As a teaching assistant, you might find yourself in challenging situations which may be made more difficult if you are not familiar with cultural norms in US universities.  Looking for tips on building rapport with your students and dealing with difficult situations?  Check out the PowerPoint slides!  You’ll also find links to short scenes from the classroom followed by advice from experienced professors.

Difficult Situations as a TA PPT

Forms and Structures for Clearer Writing

Here is the power point presentation from last Tuesday’s workshop (2/19/13).

This is, of course, only a small overview of things you need to be thinking about when writing and rewriting your essays. Please make individual appointments through EAP to identify your personal writing quirks and to address issues most pertinent to you.

Forms and Structures

(I had to delete all the fanciness of the original presentation to get it to upload. But all the information is the same!)


Effective Reading Strategies

These are primarily general reading strategies that would be helpful for both international undergraduate and graduate students. If you would like advice pertaining to your specific needs as a reader, please make an appointment with an EAP fellow by visiting the EAP website (http://cslc.nd.edu/eap/).

Effective Reading Strategies
PowerPoint Presentation from Workshop on February 6, 2013

Listening and Note Taking

For those whose first language is not English, listening and taking notes in class can be especially difficult.

Focused preparation and specific note taking strategies can compensate for difficulties with listening.

Also, you can build listening practice into your daily schedule.  Listen to English as you drive, make dinner, or do other regular chores.

The PowerPoint slides and Resource Sheet are filled with advice for taking notes and suggested sites for listening to English.

Listening and Note Taking PowerPoint Slides

Listening and Note Taking Resource Sheet