Rory Kilmer

Position: 2 Meter Defender

Class: Senior

Hometown: Kailua, Hawaii

Height: 5’8

Dorm: Pasquerilla East

Major: Chemical Engineering

2021-2022 Season(Freshman):


Hobbies include rock climbing, hiking, and outrigger canoe paddling. Her favorite part about Notre Dame is the people and says “Every person I meet is from such an interesting background and I love having the opportunity to play alongside such amazing and talented women.” Her favorite memory of ND Water Polo is winning the Midwest Championship and going to Nationals in 2022 and says “The flashing lights and ‘Shipping up to Boston’ playing over the speakers at the beginning of the game got all of us so hyped up.” Favorites include 7th floor of Duncan overlooking the football field, basilica, and dome, athlete Natalina Antongiovanni, Taylor Swift, Pesto Pasta, the movie Love, Rosie , the book The Boys in the Boat, and Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls.

Fun Fact: Rory can dance traditional hula and Tahitian.

ND Mens Water Polo Crush: Smack❤️