

May 01

CD133+ Cancer Stem Cells Role in Metastasis

Excited for the 2nd publication this year through collaborative efforts with Harper Cancer Research Institute’s Karen Dahl (Title: CD133 Promotes Adhesion to the Ovarian Cancer Metastatic Niche). I did the 3D confocal imaging that showed CD133+ ovarian cancer cells clearly penetrate the basal epithelial cells, pointing to metastatic potential of stem cell like cancer cells. Looking forward to publishing more data this year on using novel bi-modal nanoprobes for targeted imaging of CD133+ ovarian cancer stem cells in vitro and in an in vivo model system.

(C) Representative Skov3IP-RFP and Skov3IP-PROM1 spheroids shown by fluorescence microscopy (original magnification ×10). (D) Representative Skov3IP-RFP and Skov3IP-PROM1 are shown as a Z-stack using confocal fluorescence microscopy (original magnification ×40). GFP indicates green fluorescent protein