Hi! I’m Heather, a 2nd year Ph.D. student in Analytical Chemistry. My current work focuses on the development and application of analytical methods to measure analytes relevant to the environment and human health. Through my undergraduate research, two years of work as an analytical technician in the chemical industry, and graduate school I am experienced with a variety of analytical instrumentation and data analysis methods. My post-graduate interests include developing applications of analytical methods to support robust, field-friendly analysis of environmental hazards at the regulatory level.
Highlighted Contribution
- Development and implementation of targeted analysis techniques (LC-MS/MS) for PFAS analysis, including the purchase and installation of a brand new triple-quadrupole LC-MS/MS dedicated for PFAS analysis
- Method development for the measurement of PFAS in a variety of consumer goods, including cosmetics, artificial turf, and textiles
- Adapting traditional techniques for nucleic acid analysis for field-friendly and robust quantification of DNA from pathogens relevant to human health
Project Links
- Fluorinated compounds in North American cosmetics Whitehead, Heather; et al., 2021 Environmental Science & Technology Letters2021 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.estlett.1c00240
- Rapid and robust semi-quantitative detection of DNA using Nile blue, a visible-region cationic dye Whitehead, Heather; Lieberman, Marya. 2021. Manuscript in preparation.
- Occurrence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in North American cosmetics Whitehead, H.D.; et al., ACS National Meeting, virtual. April 5th-16th, 2021. Oral presentation.
- Rapid and robust semi-quantitative detection of DNA using Nile blue, a visible-region cationic dye Whitehead, H.D.; Lieberman, M. ACS National Meeting, virtual. April 5th-16th, 2021. Oral presentation.
- Per- And Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Consumer Food Packaging: Comings and Goings Minet, Laura; et al.; Whitehead, Heather; et al., 2021 Manuscript in preparation.
- 3D Printed UV–Visible Cuvette Adapter for Low-Cost and Versatile Spectroscopic Experiments Heather D. Whitehead, et al.; ACS Omega 2017 2 (9), 6118-6122 DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.7b01310.
- Electrolysis Activation of Fused-Filament-Fabrication 3D-Printed Electrodes for Electrochemical and Spectroelectrochemical AnalysisDenise M. Wirth, et al. Heather D. Whitehead; Analytical Chemistry 2019 91 (9), 5553-5557 DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.9b01331