
Hello! I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Notre Dame. I am also leading the Data Security and Privacy Lab (DSP-Lab).

I am an NSF CAREER awardee (2024). I received my Ph.D. degree in Computer Science at Illinois Tech. under the supervision of Professor Xiang-Yang Li and Professor Peng-Jun Wan in 2017, and I received the B.E. degree in Computer Software in Tsinghua University under the supervision of Professor Zhiguo Wan in 2011.

Our research group studies how to achieve security, trust, and privacy in cyberspace. We focus on the studies of applied cryptography and blockchain and collaborate with various universities and corporates to study this broad area of cybersecurity from the algorithm to the hardware and from the cyberspace to the physical space.

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Jung’s research is enabled by generous support from the following sponsors.