Call for ND Voice Committee Members

I’d like to thank Dody Blue, Kim Borza, Marcia Hittner, Jessica Reasons, and Julia Sama for volunteering to be members of the UR ND Voice Committee.  We are still looking for committee members from both the Alumni Association and Development.  This committee will be instrumental in shaping our culture and trumpeting the many voices reflected in our recent ND Voice survey.  If you are interested, please contact James Riley (  Thank you in advance for your time and energy with this important project.  
James Riley

April Matching Gift Emails

Over the last week, a series of matching gift reminder emails were sent to entities who work for matching gift companies, including this list of assigned entities, whose gift has not yet been matched.
Please note that individuals on the second tab of the excel file (“Fundraiser Outreach”) have not received the matching gift email message (all gifts exceeding $25,000) but may be eligible to match their gift. You are encouraged to reach out to your assigned benefactors directly to discuss details and answer questions related to the matching gift process.
If you have any questions regarding this communication, please reach out to Laura Snell Walker.

FedEx Suspending Regular Pick Ups

Due to our low volume of shipping via FedEx, they will be suspending regular office pick up at Eddy Street Commons on 4 days per week –  they will only make a scheduled stop for outgoing items on Thursdays.

Should you need to ship via FedEx, please call 1-800-463-3339 or go online to to schedule a pick up.

As you may know, UPS is the preferred shipping partner for Notre Dame and they will continue daily pick up at our office location.

New CGA, CRT and DAF Brochures Now Available

Dear Colleagues,
PDF versions of the Charitable Gift Annuity, Charitable Remainder Trust and Donor Advised Fund brochures, updated with the 2018 endowment numbers, are now available for download here.

Print versions have also been ordered and will be available in the Office of Gift Planning.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Laura Snell Walker
Associate Director, Badin Guild

Farewell Mandy Kinnucan – Best Wishes!

Dear All,

This is a hard message to share. After thoughtful consideration, Mandy has made the difficult decision to leave the NDAA in order to be with her family full-time. As fulfilling as her work here is, family calls. Mandy will continue to be with us through Reunion with Wednesday, June 5th being her last day.

For three years, Mandy has envisioned, innovated, strengthened, and shaped our portfolio of alumni education programming. Her contributions are numerous and she has left her indelible mark. We are grateful to Mandy for these accomplishments and much more. All along the way, she has been a true collaborator to each of us, faculty, campus colleagues and other partners.

Of course, she will be missed dearly but we wish her every happiness with her family and look forward to staying in touch. We will have the opportunity to celebrate her friendship and contributions closer to her departure date. Meanwhile, I know you will support Mandy in her decision and acknowledge her service to the Notre Dame family.

We will post the position soon. If you have any referrals or interested parties, please direct them my way.


Upcoming Wall Street Event Invite Lists

Invitations to the upcoming 4/25/2019 Wall Street events have been distributed via email.  A paper invitation for the 4/25 Dinner has also been mailed to all invitees. Invite Lists are posted to UR site.
Weekly RSVP updates are distributed to the SRDs.  If you have additional questions, please contact Christine Wallace at or 574.631.8256.
Requests for additional invitations should be coordinated with your SRD and Regional Administrative Assistant.
Thanks in advance.

Budget 2020 Planning and Timeline

University Relations Staff

It is that time of year when we focus on the preparation of the budget for next fiscal year.  The annual operating budget process includes proposed salary increases that are effective July 1, 2019, and the non-salary budgets.  Please note that managers are receiving a separate memo that includes details on University guidelines, how to access specific charts, etc.  This communication is intended to highlight the budget process and timeline internal to University Relations (UR) and to ensure you are familiar with the process and key contacts.

The Budget Team

  • Mark Witucki – Alumni Association
  • Mary Ellen Koepfle, Geoff Stookey, Brenda Carr – Development

Fiscal 2020 Budget Process and Deadlines

Merit recommendations are provided by managers based on employee performance during fiscal 2019.  These recommendations are reviewed by the appropriate Associate Vice President and ultimately approved by Lou Nanni.  Human Resources and the Office of Budget & Planning audit these recommendations to ensure consistent application of University guidelines.

There are no incremental increases for non-salary budgets this year. Where appropriate, the budget team will be working with your unit to re-allocate funds within the org to better align the budget plan with the spend activity.

Please note the following deadlines:

  • April 29         Self-reviews finalized in Endeavor – Step 5 (send forward to your supervisor by April 29)
  • Note: supervisors may designate an earlier deadline for the self-evaluation
  • May 3            Managers finalize merit recommendations
  • May 8            Associate Vice Presidents review and finalize merit recommendations
  • May 10         Managers complete review in Endeavor –(send forward to HR by close of business)
  • Note: make sure Endeavor shows overall rating for your employee before sending forward
  • May 15         Vice President approves merit recommendations
  • June 14         Compensation statements sent to managers for distribution (if HR audit is final)
  • June 21         Staff salary notifications are available online in InsideND


Should you have any questions regarding the performance review process or the budget process, please let us know.

Mary Ellen Koepfle