
Mobile Insight Visualization

[March 14, 2019] For our upcoming site visit related to PAWR, our team wrote a visualization tool for RSRP / RSRQ from MobileInsight.  Kudos to my student Gonzalo Martinez who wrote an Android app to export Mobile Insight files, ship them over MQTT, parse them, and then re-package them as JSON via MQTT, for the C# visualization app that I crafted together for a demo.  We will package up the source code and share it for anyone who might be interested.

Video Link


Panel on Cyber Security / Microgrids

[March 14, 2019] I gave a small talk at the monthly luncheon for our Energy Center on cyber security, micro grids, and the Internet of Things.  Nothing too intense as it was a fairly quick talk but I have attached my slides here if anyone is particularly interested.  Most importantly, I would strongly recommend pinging my adviser, Manimaran Govindarasu, who is the one who really works on this topic.

[PDF of talk -> MicroGrid-Security-Striegel]


Advanced Wireless Networks

[October 15th, 2018] I will be teaching a course in the spring on Advanced Wireless Networks.  Should be an interesting run through basic networking, basic wireless, and WiFi / cellular with a few dashes of MANET (ad hoc), D2D, and low power.  The class will be offered at the graduate level only though undergraduates are welcome to inquire.  The class is primarily targeted at CSE and EE graduate students.  Will be a nice time for me personally to shore up a broader perspective on the various 3GPP releases outside of what occasional expert work here and there entails. Synopsis for the class is below:

The focus of this course will be to explore a complete stack view of the key challenges associated with wireless networks across a variety of contexts including: wireless fundamentals, historical and contemporary wireless standards, WiFi, cellular, low power, and device-to-device / ad hoc networks.  The course will explore seminal and contemporary research papers with a focus on the systems and performance aspects of wireless networking.  The course will culminate in experimentally-focused research projects utilizing wireless technologies.

WiFi is Hot!

[September 1, 2018] For each home game at Notre Dame, our group provides WiFi for the University Relations tent on Irish Green.  For a high profile game such as the Michigan game, there are a few more challenges with the crowd density as well as nearby other tests.  Our WiFi gear has been newly re-racked in our WiFi “cart” as you can see below.

The WiFi seemed to fare OK though there are certainly some nice improvements that we can make for the next home game both to the cart as well as how we mount gear to the side of the tent.  More to come over the next few weeks with respect to the WiFi service and general performance estimates as we start to deploy our Fast Mobile Network Characterization app across the tent and various scattered Raspberry Pis in the tent.

Presentation at ICCCN 2018 on FMNC

[August 1st, 2018] Great conference at ICCCN 2018 in Hangzhou, China.  Had a chance to catch up with lots of familiar faces now having attended ICCCN for the past 7 years straight.  Great to meet up with my former student, Qi Liao, who also had a paper at ICCCN.  On Wednesday, I presented our base work on Fast Mobile Network Characterization (FMNC) which was an invited paper at ICCCN.  A really solid work done by my student that has laid the foundation on much of our work in this area.

Download the presentation as a PDF