Notes of Grad-itude!

A message from Elizabeth Wood, Director of the Master of Science in Global Health, Eck Institute for Global Health

For Henry Kamugisha, a 2nd year in the Global Health Program

I am writing to wholeheartedly show appreciation toward a graduate student within the Master of Science in Global Health program, Henry Kamugisha. As an international student (from Uganda) at our institution, Henry has not only exemplified the highest standards of academic excellence but has also consistently embodied the values and mission of Notre Dame toward the global good.

Henry has demonstrated exceptional reliability and trustworthiness in all of his responsibilities in and outside the classroom. His commitment to academic excellence is evident in his outstanding coursework performance, research contributions, and dedication to the advancement of knowledge. Beyond academics, Henry consistently makes himself available should I request he meet with a prospective student visiting campus. His dependability is truly commendable.

As an international student, Henry has actively contributed to the rich cultural diversity of our institution. He has not only embraced the values of inclusivity and social justice but has also actively promoted these values through his involvement in various multicultural and humanitarian initiatives on campus. For example, he currently serves as an Assistant Rector in one of the dorms on campus where he can assist fellow Notre Dame students. Henry is a reflection of the Catholic Social Teachings and continues to inspire other students.

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