Ukrainian Independence Day

Statue of the Родина Мать

One of the most important Ukrainian holidays is Ukrainian Independence Day, which takes place on August the 24th. Unfortunately, I had to leave a week prior to this celebration, but I still had the opportunity to ask several Ukrainians about this important national holiday and the various celebrations it entails. Firstly, I enquired about this at one of the Kiev historical museums located between my language school and the city center. The worker there explained the history of the holiday to me, telling how it commemorates Ukraine’s independence from the USSR, which took place on August 24, 1991, after a failed coup in Moscow. After declaring its independence, a vote took place where the vast majority of Ukrainians voted in support of the move to separate. The museum worker gave examples of some of the festivities that take place, including fireworks, parades, and waving of the blue and yellow Ukrainian national flag. Interestingly, she pointed out to me, there is no longer the traditional military parade, as President Zelensky has decided to instead allocate those funds to support military personnel of the ongoing war in the Donbass.

I also asked about this holiday to several locals on the streets, who gave similar accounts, yet focused more on the festivities than the history of the holiday. One of them emphasized the circuses and concerts that always accompany the day, calling those his favorite part of the holiday. Another recommended I see the many public markets and street performances that take place, which I assumed would be pretty impressive considering the already bustling markets that filled the streets of nearly every square or metro tunnel of Kiev. Interestingly, while I was unable to stay for the holiday, I did see plenty of fireworks during the week before. Perhaps this was a sign of the anticipation for the exciting day to come.