I have had multiple critical incidents in my time here so far, but the most prominent happened in my second week of class. The topic of the day was globalization. I was placed into a slightly higher level German class than I was ready for, so I am able to follow the conversations well, but find it difficult to articulate myself when it comes to broader topics such as this one. I have a very diverse class with people coming from Russia, South America, Korea, Hungary, etc., which allows for very broad range of opinions and perspectives.
In this conversation, a Hungarian man began explaining his beliefs about the American dream and how it is toxic and infecting global cultures. In the moment, I viewed it as a complete attack on my culture and beliefs that I’ve grown up valuing. As one of two Americans in the class, I felt very frustrated that I didn’t have the linguistic means to defend myself and explain my perspective.
During our break, I thought more about why he might feel the way he does. I came to the conclusion that perhaps he feels some of his culture and traditions are at risk of being lost if American influence continues to spread. I can absolutely understand this concern and find it to be an interesting point of view.