After returning to the US, I have to say Italy exceeded my expectations, which is saying a lot. I knew I would have an amazing time before I left, but I did not know exactly how much of an emotional hold it would have on me. The first time I went to Italy, I fell in love with the culture. This time, however, it was more powerful because I made the effort to interact with locals and make friends. I was expecting a lot, but in applying myself more fully to the culture, I was able to have something more than just another fun summer.
I know it sounds cliche, but it’s true that studying abroad changed my life. In terms of the friends I made, both Italian and American, I was more outgoing than ever and met so many amazing people from all over Italy and the US. My first solo trips took me to London and Vienna, and gave me immense confidence in my ability to manage myself in new environments. I now know that I can live and thrive in unfamiliar places, and I will probably use this experience to help me intern somewhere out of my home state for next summer.
I feel like my worldview has expanded tremendously, as it does every time I visit new places. Above all, the confidence aspect will inspire me to keep traveling and learning as I go. I have so many different places I want to go to, and I think my semester abroad will have even more in store for my solo exploring.