As expected…there is so much to learn, so much I hadn’t anticipated, and so much I have been fortunate to experience already. I have to admit that I thought picking up a language I had studied for four years already would be a lot easier. Among other incidents, one night at the dinner table, I embarrassed myself with a comment that showed I had totally missed the gist of the conversation. It also shocked me when I was met with a blank stare after delivering what I thought was a clear request. But the most humbling experience occurred with the 4 year-old grandson, Gaby, of my host family. Children require practically perfect pronunciation because they don’t know words any other way. I asked him a simple question, merely 4 words, at the breakfast table one morning, and he didn’t understand what I was saying until my fifth try…
The situation is really more comical than distressing though. It’s hard to feel bad when a little boy, with nutella smeared over his face, sincerely asks what on earth you’re saying. I think the most important thing is to embrace the moments of discomfort and not let them make you discouraged. While I never thought it could be so stressful to simply order a menu item at a restaurant, these small incidents help me to appreciate just how much culture contains. Despite all the bumps in the road along the way, so far the high points have far outweighed the lows, and I know the gap between them will continue to widen.